Ultimate Betrayal

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"NO!" A voice yelled. "You don't understand who is at fault here! It was all Tommy!"

Y/N made her way towards the sounds of voices and arguments. Y/N cautiously climbed over piles of brick and debris that had piled up around the source of noise. She found herself standing above a building that had gone to shambles, water flooding all around it. Several other people stood around the caved in community building of the SMP.

Down below, several people stood arguing, armor on and ready for combat.

Armor on? But that was against L'Manberg's rules. Right?

"Me?!" Tommy yelled. "What do you mean me? This wasn't me!"

"Tommy look around!" Dream yelled. How did he get over here so fast? He must have used an ender pearl after he left the ally way with y/n and Quackity.

Speaking of which, where was he?

"No one else here would dare do something like that!" Dream responded. "And the community building?! The building that signified the beginning of our life here? It's such a...a Tommy-like thing to do!"

"But I-!" Tommy began to protest.

"Is it true Tommy?" A voice asked. It was a girl I had never seen before. Her hair was a light pinkish color. Sort of similar to the way mine had become from spending time trapped in the nether. Her face was soft, and kind, but also had a particular expression. One you get from years of battle.

Tommy spun around. He looked defeated and betrayed. I knew that look. And I knew Tommy. Whatever he was being accused of he didn't do it. He was telling the truth.

"Niki?" Tommy asked, a tone of sadness in his voice. "Nikki you think I did this too?"

"Tommy the evidence is right in front of us!" Dream asked. Tommy spun back around, no longer looking sad but rather defiant. "You are the only person-"

"I get it, okay?" Tommy spat out at Dream. "'All the evidence points to me. I'm the only person that could have done this.' But what about you, Dream? You of all people know that I've been in exile for the past several months! And that I had no means of causing this!"

Dream faltered for a just a moment.

"That was before you left. And went to Technoblade." Dream said. "This was you, Tommy. You can't deny it."

Y/N jumped down into the ring, sliding to the base of the leveled building across bricks and leaking water from the surrounding lake.

"He can, and he will." Y/N spoke, walking to stand beside Tommy. "I'm with Tommy. He didn't do this."

Tommy and Y/N exchanged glances, and Tommy gave a half-hearted smile. Tommy turned back to face the over 30 people watching this scene playing out.

"Does anyone else have something to say about this?" Tommy asked, his eyes glistening with defiance and a look of bravery.

"I do." A voice came from behind Tommy and Y/N.

Everyone adjusted their line of sight to see a boy dressed in a suit with a forest green tie. He hair was a medium brown color, and soaked with water. As were most of the people's hair thst were in the lower level of the building. His face had a look of confusion, and betrayal.

Tommy went wide-eyed upon seeing who was speaking out against him: Tubbo.

"Tubbo?" Tommy asked, quietly.

"Tommy I think you did do this." Tubbo said. "You left your exile, breaking the one rule we put in place for you, and-"

"You mean the rule that you put in place for me." Tommy said. "You took my most valued possession and left me in exile to die. And on top of that, I got daily visits from a literal sociopath, who destroyed what little I had called a home."

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