꧁ᴄᴀᴘɪᴛᴜʟᴏ - 25꧂

453 23 5

Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 25:


"Taehyung!" Yoongi whined and tried to move his head away. Taehyung is putting make up on him because he said his make up is too thin. "Taehyung, this is a classroom, not a dressing room." Taehyung ignored the older's complains and just continue to put make up on his face.

"Stop moving hyung or else I'll mess this up." He scolded and glared at him which made Yoongi instantly stop moving around. A wide boxy smile appeared on Taehyung's face, he backed away to have a perfect view of the gorgeous view.

"Perfect!" He said proudly, and clapped his hands together. Yoongi sent him a glare and took the small mirror. "You made me look like a pink prom queen," Yoongi whined.

Taehyung closed the lipstick and put it back inside his makeup kit. "Aish, stop complaining. It does not look so red, not so thin too, it's just right." Taehyung muttered and raised up an okay sign. Yoongi let out a sigh, "whatever."

And just then, the bell rang and their history professor walked in with quiz papers in his hands. The students quickly sat up properly. Mr. Lee sat down on his table, he fixes his glasses before looking to his students. After he had made sure that all attention is on him, he spoke; "I've received the result of your exam." The room filled with an intense silence. The students looked at each other, biting their lip. "Some passed, and some failed." He added, his cold voice sent electricity to their bodies.

"I will announce the names of students who got higher, lower, and perfect score." He said and stared at each faces of his students. "Students who got higher score, 98/100. Park Jimin and Im Nayeon." The students applauded and the two students who was mentioned stood up from their seats.

They smiled brightly and bowed politely before sitting down, and the class went silent again. "Park Chanyeol and Choi Min-ho." The students clapped their hands and the two males stood up, and bowed.

"The four of them are the one who got a higher score, let's clap for them once again." Mr. Lee said and the class once again clapped their hands.

"And for these two are the one who got a perfect score. Nothing else but Min Yoongi and Kim Taehyung." The whole class cheered loudly.

Yoongi shyly stood up from his seat and smiled at the acclamation. He looked around and bowed is head. Mr. Lee smiled like a proud father of his son. "You did a great job, Yoongi," he praises and Yoongi uttered a 'thank you sir'. He turned his head to Taehyung, "you did a great job too, Taehyung." "All of you, you did a great job." He acclaimed.

"That's all, and the rest got a passing score." He looked down to the papers— the smile on his face dropped. "Oh," he took the one paper with a red ink.

"Jennie," he called, and the girl sitting in the farthest table with a pink hairpin looked up, her lips pursed forward.

"You only got 15/100, which is the lowest score among the class. Tell me, you didn't study, did you?" The said female didn't response and instead looked down to the ground, and played with the fabric of her skirt.

Mr. Lee sighed, "all right, retrieve next time. Study so you will not fail my subject again." Jennie nodded her head, eyes still keep on the ground. Mr. Lee looked back to the class, "again, congrats to all who passed the exam."

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