꧁ᴄᴀᴘɪᴛᴜʟᴏ - 62꧂

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Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 62:


A heavy bangs filled Jimin's ears as the hammer hits the nail pushing it deeper into a small hole.

Yoongi walked towards the door holding a glass of water in his hand, he leaned in the dorm frame and watched his boyfriend build a crib for their baby. Yoongi sexily bit his lower lip as he stared at Jimin's muscle. Jimin is wearing a white sleeveless shirt showing his masculine arms, sweats making his skin looks crystal, the way he hit the nail with a hammer makes his arm hard showing his muscles, damn it, he can imagine Jimin pound on him and getting corner with those masculine arms. Holy bloody, by just imagining it making him wet.

Later on, Jimin notice Yoongi's figure standing at the door. He tilted his head to him, "oh babe, I didn't notice you were there. By the way, it's nearly done then I just have to paint it later." Jimin said and raised his brow with a smile plastered on his face. Yoongi did not response, and instead just keep staring at him whilst he bit the mouth of the glass. "Ali," he spoke but the said male seemed not in this world, he notice Yoongi looking into his body, a smile on his face slowly replaced with a knowing smirk, "you can touch it if you want," Jimin said, snapping Yoongi out of his pervert mind.

"H-huh?" Yoongi asked dumbly, Jimin smirked and walks over to him, Yoongi slowly took a step backwards to get away from the male, but before he could get away, Jimin grabbed his waist pulling him close to his chest. Yoongi looked up to him, Jimin stared at him with a full solemnity in his eyes making Yoongi gulped nervously. Their faces are only inches apart from each other, so it's now look like they're breathing the same air. "J-jim," he stuttered, he raised his hand and pressed it gently against Jimin's rock-like chest.

Jimin slowly raised his free hand and caressed his cheek softly, "you don't have to tell me about it. I already knew what you want, your eyes tellin' me." Jimin said in a low tone sending chills into Yoongi's spine, he moved into Yoongi's ear, Yoongi's breathing hitched as he can feel Jimin's hot breathe hitting his ear. Yoongi froze as Jimin started sniffing his neck like some kind of alpha, his hands slowly travelling down into Yoongi's ass, "I will always give what you want, just name it." Jimin whispered and bit his earlobe gently.

Jimin smirked and backed away, he leaned down and the once smirk replaced with a sheepish grin, "baby look, your mommy want daddy to fuck him." Jimin joked followed by a laugh escaped his mouth bringing Yoongi's back into his senses. He let out a breath he didn't notice he was holding, now, he was sweating and breathing like he was running. He looked down to Jimin to see him now talking with their baby, cooing and giggling.

He cleared his throat gaining Jimin's attention, "i-i go, cook snack for us. Finish that so we can eat after." Yoongi said in rush and quickly turned his back, almost tripping with his own feet on the way to the kitchen. Jimin stood up straight and watched Yoongi's back, smirking, he clicked his tongue shaking his head, and went back to what he was working on.

Jimin was done with the crib, he sighed and stood up after he was finally down painting it with white. He wiped his sweat using the back of his hand, sunlight hitting his handsome face making him look hotter, in an addition to that was the sweats running to his neck down to his chest, he was totally screaming daddy right now.

He looked down to his work, feeling proud of himself. "We still have another work to do, better get start on it." He muttered to himself and picked up the paint cans left and brought it inside to-will-be their baby's room to get it started to paint.

He put down the cans on the floor right after entering inside. He looked around the room and choose where to get started. After he had chosen a wall to paint first, he picked up the baby blue paint can and walks over to it and started painting.

Yoongi hummed a song under his breathe as he make a sandwich. He put the knife bread down and licks the mayonnaise on his finger before walking to the fridge to take out the juice. He picked up the tray of snack and make his way upstairs to their baby's room. He walked in to see Jimin half-done painting the walls. He placed the tray down on the table, "Ali, come here, let's eat first just finish that later." Yoongi uttered, Jimin put down the brush and wiped his hands with a towel. He walked towards Yoongi, eyes still looking around his work, "what do you think?" He asked whilst smiling proudly, Yoongi looked around and nodded his head, "it looks great, great job." He praises and hold up a thumbs up. Jimin smiled and sat down on the chair, pulling Yoongi's by his waist to sit on his lap.

Yoongi leaned his head in the crook of Jimin's neck while Jimin's arms wrapped around his stomach. "Will get to know our baby's gender tomorrow, are you excited?" Jimin asked, excitement were evident in his voice. Yoongi smiled and tilted his head to him, "of course, I am ready to know that she's a girl." Yoongi said making Jimin pouts.

Yoongi chuckled and sat up straight, "what do you think our baby will be when she or he grow up?" Yoongi asked, smiling elatedly. Jimin hummed, moving left and right in his swivel chair whilst he think. He stopped moving, "if she's a girl, she'll be gorgeous and intelligent like her mother." Jimin said and pinched Yoongi's cheek making the older blushed.

"And then, if he'll be a boy, he'll be a singer, talented, and productive like his dad." Yoongi added, glancing to Jimin.

Jimin giggled, "or maybe, a creative like his mom."

Yoongi sighed softly through his nose and leisurely leans back against Jimin. "Whatever he or she wanna be, I'll always support him/her. I'll make sure to raise them up properly, and give anything they needed. I'll make sure to give them a best future." Yoongi vows, he looked down to his stomach and rubbed it gently, "I can't wait to meet you soon baby."

Suddenly, Yoongi felt a kick on his stomach, causing him to make an 'oh' sound in surprise.

His eyes widened, he slowly tilted his head to Jimin who's looking at him quizzically. "Did you feel that? It kicks!" Yoongi exclaimed, "really? Can I touch it?" Jimin asked and Yoongi quickly nodded his head. Jimin put his hand on Yoongi's stomach, and he felt something kicks against his palm reason for him to make some noise of amazement. "Whoa! It kicks to me too," Jimin said genuinely happy, almost squealing. Yoongi let out a cute giggles and put his hand back to his stomach to feel more kicks.

Jimin chuckled, "it seems like our baby is excited to meet his mama too."


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