꧁ᴄᴀᴘɪᴛᴜʟᴏ - 50꧂

356 9 1

Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 50:


Yoongi started to stirred, he stretched his body only to let out a groan as he suddenly felt a shot of pain down him when he moves his legs. He opened his eyes and look to his side to see the bed empty. Suddenly— the door creaked open and Jimin walked in holding a tray of food in his hand. A smile appeared on Jimin's face right after seeing Yoongi awake, "Good morning, Ali. I was about to wake you up." He said whilst he put the tray on the bedside table, and sat on the edge of bed.

Yoongi smiled and carefully sat up. "Yeah, good morning." He said and pulled Jimin into a kiss. "Oh, here, I cooked you breakfast. I know that you're tired from last night." Jimin uttered, wiggling his brows gaining a hit in the arm from Yoongi. He took the tray and put it on Yoongi's lap, Yoongi muttered a small 'thank you' before digging in.

"Hmm~" Yoongi moaned whilst he nodded his head as the tasty creamy sauce of carbonara splattered on his tongue, "this is good," Yoongi compliments while chewing. Jimin smiled, he brushed the hair away that was falling onto Yoongi's eyes tucking it in the back of his ear. "By the way Ali, can we stay in the house all day?" Yoongi asked with his pleading eyes, "I don't feel like going to school and besides, I can't walk properly too. It stung," he said, blushing at his own word. Jimin chuckled, "sure, I don't feel like going to school too. And I wanna be with you," Jimin replied, sending him a wink. "Yay!" Yoongi cheered and started eating again.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Ali look, I got black polish. Don't you think it's pretty?" Yoongi said, showing Jimin his hands. They're in bed, just cuddling and talking. Jimin took his hand, he rubbed his thumb upon the back of his hand gently. Yoongi looked up to him, smiling brightly, he looked down to the man laying on his arm, "yeah, it's pretty," Jimin said and pecked his hair.

"Ali, have you ever been in a camping?" Yoongi suddenly asked, putting his hand down. "Um... Yes before, when we still live in our parent's house. Our house is near the mountains and surrounded by forest, so every afternoon mostly when 1:00 pm strike, we would always go to the forest and set our tent and then we will just stay there, talk some stuff. And if our parents leave, and they can't go home at night because of their work, we just stayed in our tent in the forest. We set camp fire, in the morning after our parents left— we would go to the river and hunt fish. And then we will cook that at night, and then we would share scary stories before we sleep." Jimin told him, Yoongi only listen to him carefully, "wow, aren't you scared?" Jimin shook his head and let out a light chuckle, "to monsters in the forest? No. Except to cannibals, yes."

"It was rumoured before in our town that there are cannibals living in the forest. They killed people brutally and then eat their flesh. There's always a tons of case of people missing in our town, and the always suspected reason in their disappearance are the cannibals. Our parents always warn us not to go near the forest, but of course Jungkook and I being stubborn and does not believe shits— and Jungkook being sick himself that wanting to meet cannibals in real life in too much watching Wrong Turn— we didn't listen to our parents and still go even if it's dangerous. So to just make sure— if there really are cannibals in the wood— we would set trap around the area where our camp is. And then cans so if someone is coming and step on it, it will make noise and awake us." Told Jimin, "I don't actually sleep at night because I'm afraid that a cannibal suddenly came and killed us. I don't want to be food of those ugly monsters, my handsomeness is just way too expensive just to be grilled inside their filthy mouth," he added, "so yeah, I stayed up all night in case a cannibal came."

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