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Chrome's POV

Few days later, since Sting was so busy, Mystogan kept me accompanied. Sting's been talking to me through the lacrima though.

"I'm hungry.", I said with my arms behind my head.

Me and Mystogan had been strolling around Magnolia for hours now. My stomach let out a growl and Mystogan's stomach did the same thing. "Let's go. My treat."

My eyes sparkled and a drool escapes my lip. I clasped my hands together and praised Mystogan. "Arigato!!!!!"

We went to a fast food restaurant and wow. He ordered so many stuff for me. I stuffed my mouth with pretty much everything on the table.

While I was eating, he was just eating slowly. Stabbing his chopped pork with his fork whole staring at me. Watching me eat.

"Ish there shomthing wong?" (Is there something wrong?), I asked.

He chuckled and smiled softly. "You're such a slob.", he reaches his hand out to my face and he wipes my lip with his finger. He pulls his hand back and licked his finger with rice and crumbs on it.

I felt my cheeks heat up and looked away. "T-that wasn't necessary."

Woman. You should've picked Mystogan instead of that dragon slayer!

Said Rithri who surprisingly didn't talk to me after the GMG. His ghost image appeared next to me and mocked me.

"Well damn. Don't blame me.", I said.

Mystogan tilts his head in confusion. "Is something wrong?"

"Eto n-nothing."

Riiiiiiight nothing. Sure fine. Break the bond of two men.

I couldn't take it anymore so I slammed my hands on the table and screamed. "Get out of my head you old Geezer!!!!!!!!!"

Mystogan falls on his sit and looked at me with wide eyes. "Ano....."

Before he could say more I ran outside all the way to the park and hid myself behind the giant tree.

"What the hell are you doing? Get out already.", I ordered.

Rithri's body, ghostly body snaked out of my back and floated infront of me. "Sheesh you're mean."

"Start talking, why you just suddenly popped out of nowhere, why you were in my head and when did you even last talk to me.", I demanded. I looked up to him with an angry look on my face.

He shrugs and sits next to me with his ghostly form. "Well........... You see.... Ah Hehe well ok ok. Gimme a second."

"Just spit it out old man.", I spat as I avert my eyes at him.

"Vatras.... Is coming to visit you in a couple of weeks.", he rubs the back of his neck and sweat-dropped.

I winced at him and then blinked a couple times. "For. Real. Now."

"I'm not kidding."

"Chrome!!!! There you are!", Mystogan came up running towards us and pants. "Dear Mavis where have you been?"

He doesn't wait for my reply as he sees Rithri. A smile appeared on his face and held out his fist. "Rithri-san!"

"Yo Kid! Mystogan what's up? Long time no see?", Rithri and him exchanged bro fists and sat beside me. I was between the both of them.

I wonder why Vatras wants to visit.

Nobody's POV

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