Fun Fact Trivia!

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Anonymous Messenger #1: Hey Chromiee-senpai, after reading this book, I've had this question in me. This one question that bothered me after the last update. And the things I noticed led me to this question. "Is Sting and Chrome's family scar faces?"

-Rogue has a scar on his nose

-Sting has one on his eyebrow

-Chrome has one of her eye

Chromiee: I actually did that on purpose! In fact, If it's needed to make like a side story for the children of the next generation, Sun would actually have a scar on his cheek.


Anonymous Messenger #2: Question! I got confused with how you described their children. Can you give me a little summary/whatever of it? Cuz I seem to get the twins especially mixed up

Chromiee: Of course -bows-

Sun is the raven-haired one like his mother. He has blue eyes and the same personality as his dad. Tho, he's the shadow light dragon slayer. I dun get it why I named it like that but oh welllll. I pictured him having a really huge mother complex and brother complex -giggles-

Moon on the other hand is the sleepy type. He has blonde hair like his dad and ruby eyes like his mother. Him and his brother have opposite looks with their power and names too. Moon is the black shadow dragon slayer. (is that how I named it?) Since, also, I'm a fujo--- ehem, Vatras fan, I was planning on shipping Moon and Vatras because Chrome didn't have a daughter. -starts drawing censored pictures-

Anonymous Messenger #2: Ahhh, I see, then what happened with Rithri and Vatras-san then? :o

Chromiee: LAST CHAPTER! -Spits coffee- ehem, I apologize!


And that's all for now! Thanks to these... Unknown people who asked these questions! Feel free to ask more! ヽ(。ゝω・。)ノ

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