A Christmas Special!

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"Come on Chrome! We're gonna be late! Everyone's been waiting for us for a whole hour already!"

Lucy and Chrome had been rushing in the streets of Magnolia on their way to their guild. It was cold. Since it is a day before Christmas. Now they were late. All because of Lucy changing way too slow. As they run with a puff of hot air coming out their mouths, Chrome slips and falls on her face on the cold snow. It was very slippery.

"Mother-------  Shit.", Chrome stands up and catches up with Lucy. "Wait up!"

"You hurry up! Natsu's probably going nuts by now!", Lucy retorted. 

Chrome tched and pushes Lucy to the side. "It was your fault to begin with! You were slow as a damn turtle! No! Even a turtle is faster than you!", she retorted back.

The two of them started an argument till they got to the doors of Fairy Tail. In there were the usual Fairy Tail members, Sting, Rogue and Yukino plus the saber's exceeds and the rest of some of the Sabertooth members. The wooden door of Fairy Tail let out a loud bang as Chrome kicks it open without even looking because she and Lucy were too busy argument.

"Well! Your room smells waaaay too strong! I can smell it from my room!", Chrome puts her hands on her waist and leans her head to Lucy, grinding her teeth with nerves popping out of her forehead.

Lucy whines and stomps her feet on the floor. "Gyah! It's not strong! It's just cream and strawberries! W-what about you! Every time I walk pass your door, there's always steam coming out of the door's gap! What are you doing in there!"

"I do my meditation daily ok! You're a girl and you don't know what that is!? You're an embarrassment to the female race!"

They continued to argue and Erza tries to stop them but they didn't listen. As Erza loses herself, she had Mystogan and Gray yanking her back. Sting and Natsu jumps in then grabbed their women, restraining them from trying to claw their eyes out.

"Come on Chrome! It's Christmas eve and you guys can't get along?", said Sting as he looks at Chrome and holding her. "Jeez women."

Natsu nods and bumps Lucy's forehead with his. "Yeah, Sting's right.", he pauses. "Even if they did fight, Lucy is the cutest!"

Sting flinches and nerves began popping out of his face. "Haaaa? What the hell you talkin about! Chrome is waaaaaaay cuter! She can even rock a maid outfit!"

"Oh yeah? Lucy can wear a maid outfit too! Her boobs are so big that the outfit could only cover half of it!", Natsu began groping Lucy with one hand while the other hand holding Lucy.

"Tch! That's it? Chrome's boobs are so big that her maid outfit popped open!", Sting yanks Chrome and raises his hand to argue.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!! WILL THE TWO OF YOU SHUT UP AND LET US GO!!!!!!!", Chrome and Lucy screamed in sync as they stomped their feet on the ground. 

"Fufufufu~ so early and they're so lively. Charming. Expected from people in Fairy Tail. Isn't it right my dear Ruffy?", Minerva clings to Rufus and rubs her face on his arms.

Rufus chuckles and caresses Minerva's cheek. "Of course my dear. You're always right."

The tables filled fast as more people came in from every guild they knew. Blue Pegasus, Mermaid Heel, Lamia Scale and Quatro Ceberus. All of them said their hellos and some of them even picked a fight like Lyon and Gray fighting over Juvia like the usual. Kagura and Mystogan sending electric statics to each other cuz you know why. Cana and the Ceberus drinking. And even worst scenarios that cannot be put to words.

"Alright everyone!", called Erza. The rest of them turned to her and waited. She bends one knee and raises a fist in the air. "The buffet is ready! Drink and eat till we all drop everyone! Thank Mira for it! DIG IN EVERYONE!!!!"

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