Another Special Chapter (pt. 1)

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Warning: This is a short chapter. I think. I'm gonna put alot of fillers for this story so this will be most of the fillers. Or should i call it the feelers. Get it? blah sucky joke this filler will also have alot of parts so enjoy~ If you dont wanna read it its fine~ But I'm warning you if you're actually reading this. Prepare tissues.

(Picture: Weisslogia (left) Skiadrum (Right)

Hundreds of years ago

Skiadrum's POV

"What do you think Skia? Isn't it beautiful?", asked my beautiful Queen Eclair as we stroll in the garden. She was showing me the flowers that she and Weisslogia planted together. 

I nodded. "Yes. They're very beautiful Eclair. In fact, they might look good on you too.", I chuckled. I extended my hand on a flower bush and picked a golden yellow flower. "This is like you.", I turned myself to her and tucked the flower on her ear.

"Thanks.", she smiled. She averted her eyes on the flower then blushed. 

I smiled back. "You're so cute."

"E-Eh!?!?!? Don't say stuff like that ahahaha!", she taps my back. Laughing awkwardly.

"But isn't that true? Weisslogia tells me that all the time too.", I said.

Her face lifted up as I mention Weisslogia. "R-really? He thinks I'm c-cute?"

"Yep.", I smiled. Then I heard a russling sound behind the bushes. "Speaking of the devil."

Weisslogia pops out of the bush screaming. "Yoho!"

"Eeeek!", Eclair jumps and hides behind my back.

"Weiss, you scared her. That wasn't cool.", I said tapping my shoes on the ground.

"Ahehe, sorry about that. I just can't help it but tease Eclair. Her reactions are so cute.", Weiss jumps out of the bush and made his  way to us.

I turned to Eclair and she was blushing. "See? What I tell yah."

She gulped and turned red even more. 

"Hey Eclair..", Weiss scratched the back of his neck bashfully. I noticed this and then decided something.

"I'm gonna give you guys some time to talk. See yah!", I said as I pat Eclair's head and walked away.

I always knew that Weisslogia liked her. Same goes for Eclair. Both of them liked each other, and the two of them are also idiots. They just wouldn't tell their feelings for each other. But I'm kind of  glad that I still get to spend time with her. Because I, myself is in love with Eclair...


I got called into the garden by Eclair. I don't know why but I made my way there. When I got to the garden, I saw Eclair together with Eclair having tea under a tree where it was shaded. Both of them looked so happy. Laughing and smiling at each other like that made my heart ache. But I have to accept it that my beloved one and my best friend, a brother love each other. 

"Hey.", I waved and greeted.

Eclair puts down her tea cup and gestures me to join them. "Come, join us Skia."

"Got chocolate muffins for you over here!", said Weisslogia with enthusiasm.

I nodded. Walking towards them, I searched my breast pocket for my pocket watch and checked the time. Then made myself sit on one of the chairs next to Eclair. She pours me tea and hands me it. "What is it that you guys want?", I said with a pokerface and took a sip of my drink.

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