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The black-haired woman paced back and fort behind her seat while biting her nail. She was so nervous that she couldn't sit still and think. It was snowing out. And it was also a special day for her and her dear ones. But now, she was in a meeting at the round table.

"When is this damn meeting gonna be over?! We're not even doing shit here!", she yelled.

"Chrome-dono, it is your job to get used to this kind of thing. I apologize though, today is an important day for you isn't it?', said Jura Neekis in a polite manner while jogging a stack of paper. "It's been five years already since you took the position of the sixth wizard saint."

"I don't care!", she slammed her hand on the chair, sending it flying across the room. "I have to get to Sabertooth as soon as possible. I wonder if Sun and Moon are wearing warm clothes? Tch, Lucy better have dressed them well. I'm paying her to do this. And what in the hell is Sting doing?! Wait, he has his stuff to do to so... Ah! I can't do this anymore! It's their birthday today and I'm not even there to prepare and surprise them!", she stomps her feet on the ground. "Their seventh birthday!"

Jura covers his ears through a couple of Chrome's tantrums and screaming then sighs. "You may go. It's not like you're gonna get in trouble."

Chrome perks up and her eyes sparkled at Jura. "Jura-san thank you so much!", she rushes to him, shook his hand and ran out of the room.

"Ah.", Jura chuckles and continued with his papers. "What a lively mother she is."

At Sabertooth


Minerva places the last plate on the giant table and wipes her forehead. "Phew, it's done. And kids, don't hurt each other you hear mommy? Rei, what did I tell you about tickling Minmin? You know that she doesn't like that!"

"But mom, she's been poking my sides too!", whined a nine-year old boy with dark hair like Mineva's and eyes like Rufus'.

Yukino chuckled as she walks in the room with her husband Rogue, her ten-year old daughter Reesha and a baby boy in her arms. "It's so lively in here.", said Yukino while cradling the baby.

"Mother, when are the twins coming?", said Reesha as she sets herself down on a bench. "They're like the only ones who aren't here. Including Nash, Silver and Julia."

A ten year-old boy with white hair wearing a brown tunic and a white shirt inside, looking like a bartender appeared next to Reesha and pulls out a rose from the air and tickles Reesha's cheek with it. "Lovely Reesha, looking beautiful as ever."

"A-Axel?!", Reesha blushed and slowly takes the rose from him.

"Go go Onii-chan!", said a blonde girl with blue e yes. "Get her you flirty idiot!", she cheered.

The girl next to this blonde girl was a girl with white hair and blue eyes like her, picking her nose with her pinkie and staring bluntly at Axel and Reesha. "Oi Reesha, don't get played by our stupid Onii-chan. And you Merina-chan, who's side are you on?"

"Shhh Levina-chan, we all know that Reesha has a tiny bitsy crush on our Onii-chan.", she whispered. It wasn't even a whisper anymore, it was more like a loud comment.

"My my, it's getting a little loud in here.", Mirajane giggled. "I think I know how Makarov felt when we were still kids."

Laxus sighs and then chuckles, wrapping his arms around Mira's waist. "True, but I have a feeling that these kids are gonna be worst than us. Mind getting me a drink?"

Mirajane smiled at her husband and kisses his cheek. "Of course."

The doors of Sabertooth opened with a loud bang as three boys, one with pink hair, one with dark onyx hair and one with black hair came in fighting and launching magical fists at each other. After them was Lucy and Juvia rushing in while struggling into breaking the fight followed by a little girl with onyx hair and blue eyes, and a boy with blonde hair and ruby red eyes. "Nash! Silver! Sun! Stop it this instant!", Lucy scolded.

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