Another Special Chapter (Finale)

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It was a law for a demon to marry another demon. But marrying a dragon? That was far beyond the law. It was madness. But if it's love.... Would it still matter?

"Vatras please! I love Skiadrum very much. And all I am asking from you is to give us your blessings."

It's been days... Weeks even since THAT happened. And Hellrios has been begging Vatras to give them their blessings. Rithri already agreed, somehow and the dragons did too. Now the only one left is Vatras. 

Right now, Hellrios is following Vatras around.  Vatras ignored her every time she asks. Rithri was with him too. And he was enjoying the fact that for the first time in decades, Hellrios was acting like a child. 

"Oh look at her now Vatras, why can't you just stop being so stubborn and do it? Unless------------- you're jealous? Sad? Ready to breakdown and never talk to anyone for a day? A year? Oh Vatras, you too, are also a child.", Rithri chuckles. "Or even decades if po-----", he gets cut off as Vatras' sharp claws tighten around his neck.

"Shut.... Up....", Vatras' silver eyes stared into Rithri's maroon ones. He was really angry and annoyed. 

Hellrios steps in between the two of them and Hellrios clings to Vatras, pleading. "Vatras please don't hurt Rithri! This is all I am asking. So why can't you give me something that I really desire! I know I am being selfish right now but it's all I want! My happiness with Skiadrum! Stupid Vatras!", she begins to cry and turns around to run away.

Vatras' hair covers his face as he looks down to gloom. 

After Rithri gets himself back on his feet, he puts his arm around Vatras' shoulder and shakes his head in disappointment. "Look what you did now. You made her cry dumdum." , said Rithri. A sad smile appeared on his face as the reflection of Hellrios running away in his eyes made him sad. "You really don't want to let her go... Don't you Vatras?"

He turns to the silver eyes and his eyes were a little bit---- tearful. Rithri chuckles and pats his back. "Rithri.... I never get anything that I wanted...."

"But you want her happy right? How do you think I feel hm?", Rithri was patting Vatras' back and puts his hands in his pocket as he walked passed through Vatras. "Shall we take a walk?"

Few minutes later of walking around, they were at the castle's garden's porch. Slowly, both Vatras' and Rithri's feet touched the ground. The sound of the wind chimed in their ears and the faint scent of sweet yet deadly roses tickled their noses. Rithri walks towards the garden and looks up in the dark red sky of the demon realm. "Laws are nothing if its love. No boundaries, obstacles will stop it. Death even. We've lived for so long. Together with her. And this is the first time....", he pauses. "She has a peaceful look on her face.", he takes a step to the side and shows the scene.

Vatras follows and widens his eyes at the sight. Skiadrum and Hellrios sleeping against a tree under the shade of the tree. "Yeah she looks... Peaceful...", said Vatras with a frown.

"You know what to do right?", Rithri turns around and starts walking away, giving a little wave.


Few months later, Hellrios stopped asking and talking to Vatras for a while. And it was getting on Vatras' nerves. When he tries to converse with her, she turns walks pass him as if she doesn't see him. Whenever he tries to invite her for tea, she would make an excuse, "Oh I'm going with Skiadrum...", or "I don't want to..."

Next, Vatras was sitting on his throne in the main hall, thinking and glooming. "This is ridiculous. I can't think right, I can't eat right. It's all because of her damn it!", he slams his fists on the hand rest of his throne and leans on his back.

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