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Ultear jumps off the dragon with speed lands on her feet then immediately slams her hand to the ground. "Arc of Time! Last Ages!!!"

Meredy  gasped and Jellal rushes down to her looking pale. "ULTEAR! DON'T!!!!"

"Grraaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", blue light emerged from Ultear and the earth began to tremble. She kept screaming as pain ran through every corner of her body, slowly taking her life away. Marks that looked like cracks appeared all over her skin then she puts both her palms on the ground. Her hair flies into the air with the magic forming a beam around her shooting up and she screams more.

Tough it out! Think of the agony you inflicted on so many people! Compared to that, this pain is.... Exquisite pain.... Running through my cells.... One by one.... Is this where I pay the price with my time? With my life?! My life is flowing out of me.... My time is vanishing.. My life... My future... 


"Ultear don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", Meredy cried.

It was a life tainted with villainy and vice, but looking back, someone was always there for me.Gray, Jellal, Meredy. It was more happiness than someone like me deserved. And yet, I didn't realize it. I spent my time and my life on foolish things. But, it's not too late! Even Chrome, who despised me at first, came to understand me, a killer. No wonder Gray looked up to her. Even Jellal. But, it's not too late! When Rogue told me that I was the only one who could save a future with everyone dear to me, have smiles on their faces, I thought of it as an honor. And now that this happened------- Cries in agony, tears flowing from their eyes... I'll sacrifice the rest of my time for the sake of those who are dear to me! 

"Please! Bring the world back... To at least before the war started! Take my life in exchange for just a little time!", Ultear's mouth and eyes opened as the spell slowly took her life away. A large cloud emerged from her and the light changed its hue after Ultear said her words.

"Ul don't do this to us!!!!", Meredy cried. "Ul!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The light grew bigger and a large magic explosion was released from Ultear. Everyone's movements reversed by a little and that was about it. The light disappeared and Ultear falls to the ground. 

"Huh? What happened?", everybody murmured. 

From the skies, Acnologia launches himself down quickly as if he knew what was going to happen.

Meredy and Jellal hopped down and ran to Ultear's body, crying. On the other hand, the dragon slayers shook their heads in confusion and turned to Chrome. Sting shoots up and runs to her. 

Jackal leaps into the air, again, and fires his fist with a powerful spell that would penetrate anything in his way. "GIVE HER BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Chrome flinches as she knew what was going to happen. So she stumbles back and falls on her butt and held her breath, waiting for her end. She closes her eyes and prepares for impact but........

















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