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Day seven. Chrome was in the castle's library reading and researching the whole morning. On a table, there were a pile stacks of books that were about Demons and Souls. 

Chrome flipped through pages and pages but never did found her answers. "This doesn't help me at all! How am I suppose to awaken it!?", she slams her fist on the table and gripped them tight. "I have to be strong! I need to find out how to awaken this damn thing!"

The library's door opened with a creaking noise and Jun enters with a tray of tea and snacks. "Care for some snacks Lady Chrome?", he looks at her looking frustrated and walked towards her. "Are you alright?"

"Uhm yeah. I'm fine.", she sighed and slumped back to her sit. "And sure. Thanks."

Jun climbs up on a chair and sets the tray on the table. He moves some of the books to another area so that there was room to put her tea cup. "What's up with all these books?", he asks.

"I'm trying to find something or at least an instruction of how to awaken my new soul. But I can't find anything.", she wipes her forehead. "Vatras said that it's up to me to awaken it. But I wanna awaken it but I just don't know how."

Jun pours her tea and places it in front of her. "Maybe you will at the right time Lady Chrome."

She nods as a thank you for her tea and took it with her fingers. "Maybe you're right.", she takes a sip of her tea. "I just wanna go home. I miss Sting too."

"Who is this Sting?", he asks.

Chrome puts down her tea gently and rests her chin on her hand, showing interest on the topic. "Let's see where should I start?"

"We have a lot of time Lady Chrome. Take your time."

She nods and then smiled. "Sting Eucliffe.... Father Weisslogia's son. Light Dragon Slayer."

"Oh? Lord Weisslogia's son? I never met him or saw him.", he said.

"He was here the other day though. But I think you weren't here."

Jun nods and takes out another cup for himself and poured himself some tea. "Go on."

"He's my mate. And my lover.", her face blushed and she takes another sip of her tea. "He's really... Handsome and really cares for his friends. And me. He's also my first love....", she suddenly realizes what she said and turns swiftly to Jun. "D-don't tell anyone a-about this."

"My lips are sealed.", he said with a blunt expression.

"Hmph well.. Also, he drives me insane. And he's really stupid. So stupid that I can't even believe I fell for him.", she stares down at her golden bracers and rubs them. "He's the main reason who turned me into this. The person I am now. I would do anything to protect the ones I love. Especially him. He never tried to hurt me. He was very gently to me. And teases me all the time. Stupid Sting....", she puffs her cheeks in embarrassment. 

Somewhere in the library

Two old geezers were hiding behind the book shelves, listening. Chrome's father and Sting's father. "Your daughter is quite adorable isn't she?", whispered Weisslogia.

Skiadrum grins and nods in agreement. "She is. But why is she always talking about your son?.", he whispered cried. "Why not talk about your father!!!", he whispered cried again and clutched his hands to his chest for dramatic effects.

"How did you meet Sting anyways?", asked Jun while noming on a cookie.

"Let's see..... It was when me and Mystogan went on a mission. Me and Sting met at the place where we we're doing the mission and it seemed that we we're suppose to work together. And now that you mentioned it, I was a bitch to him before. But he did save me back there. From getting blown into pieces by a monster. So I owe him."

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