Another Special Chapter (pt.2)

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Skiadrum's POV 

"So that was you!? Why didn't you say anything earlier!?", I combed my hair to the back with frustration. 

The girl whimpered. "C-Cuz you were busy crying and such. I can't just barge in like that.", she stands up and puts her hands on her waist. "I was trying to be more polite!"

I face-palmed myself at how annoying the girl was but then I sighed. I'm very thankful that she did all that for me. "Thanks.", I muttered.

"Huh? What was that?", she tilts her head to the side.

"I said, THANKS. There. Loud and clear.", I rolled my eyes to the side and looked away puffing my cheeks.

Then I heard a gasp. "You're very welcome Skiadrum! But you know, I would like to be friends with you! If that's ok.", she bashfully put her hands behind her and began turning left and right.

"Haaah?", I said with an annoyed expression.

Her face saddened with my reaction but then I made my way towards her and landed my palm on her head. "Whatever. Sure why not."

She giggles and jumped. "YEY!", she smiled.

Doki Doki

Augghh, didn't know demons could be cute.

And that's when our friendship started. We hanged out and chatted for hours about our race and realms. She even told me that she wanted to try to ride on a dragon. How cute. Both of us were sitting under the same tree I was sleeping in earlier. I have my back leaning against the tree bark while she sits near my feet.

"Say Skiadrum, what is love?", she asked. "Vatras and Rithri told me that they love me but, I never really understood it."

Her question made me a little uncomfortable. But I smiled in return. "Love you say. Didn't your parents told you what that is?"

"Hm.... Not really. They were always so busy with politics and such to even bother talking to me. They sent me to a magic chamber to learn magic so I could be more fit. Well, that's what they said at least.", she frowned a little as she says all this.

For a princess, she's.... Alone....

"Well if you don't know what it is, let me explain it to you.", I said lightening up the mood.

She claps and giggled. "Yey! Tell me tell me!"

"Love. Love is an emotion. An emotion that makes you feel...... Attracted to something or care about something. You would do anything to make them happy.", saying this made me picture Eclair's face in my head. 

Her mouth formed an O and she nodded. "I see. So that means, you love this Eclair person right? You were screaming "I love you Eclair" earlier. That's why I asked what it means."

"Hey, don't just butt into other people's business. We don't even know much about each other.", I said with an attitude.

"Well then, shall we introduce ourselves and tell what our interests and hobbies are to make it a proper introduction?", she said crawling closer to me with a smile.

Ack. Too close.

I cleared my throat and rested my head on my arms behind my head. "S-sure. You go first."

"Okeh!", she cheered. "My name is Hellrios Syner Devonia vi Mirage. Hellrios Mirage for short!"

"Ahehe, right.", I sweat-dropped of how long her name was.

"People from the kingdom call me Devonia but my friends Rithri and Vatras call me Hellrios! So you can call me that too since we're friends!"

She's quite lively isn't she?

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