CHAPTER 12 (PG13rated)

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Sting's POV

Winning....Is that all she thinks about? That BITCH!

Few battles and matches have past after that water incident. I'm now bored. Just watching these boring battles doesn't help me at all. Plus after that water globe battle between Minerva and Chrome, I haven't seen Chrome.

Rogue and Yukino stands next to me looking concern. "What do you think Sting?", asked Rogue.

I rubbed my forehead and sighed. "I don't know ok? I'm trying to think about how and what WE should do."

Yukino clutches her hand to her chest. "W-why did she hesitate of attacking the mistress? She also had a fearful expression when she was talking to milady."

Me and Rogue looked at her. "What so you mean fearful expression?", I tilted my head and rested my chin on my palm.

Feeling nervous, Yukino starts to shake. "She stopped in the middle of attacking the mistress for some reason. Like she felt something. And that turned off the timer. I don't know what was going on with her but yes. I just noticed it, and told you guys hoping you guys did notice it too."

Rogue shakes his head and looks back at Minerva. "Could it be she spared Minerva's life? That girl... Something about her is familiar to me. I just can't put my finger on it."

"I have a feeling that shit is about to go down Rogue. But in order to save Yukino, we have to defeat them.", I said. I'm worried about Yukino. Plus Rogue. I mean, Chrome can take care of her family plus Erza and Natsu-san too!

But lately... Chrome has been sort of unstable.

I cupped my forehead and pinched the bridge of my nose and groaned. "Fuck this shit. We're winning."

Rogue's POV

"Fuck this. We're winning.", Sting tightened his fist and shot his eyes open wide.

I flinched as he said this. So did Yukino.

I sighed and nodded. "Fine."

Sting's face went cold and turns around. "I'll see you guys at the inn. There's no point of staying here for boring battles.", he starts to walk away. Lector follows him.

"Aye Sting-kun!"

Sighing, I looked at Yukino and grabbed her hand. "Let's go too.", I also grabbed Frosch's hand and lift him up to my shoulder.

Yukino blushes and grips my hand. Making me blush too. I coughed and walked away at the same direction Sting took.

Chrome... Chrome... Her face... Where have I seen it before?

Timeskip at night
Chrome's POV

Goddammit! Why does she have to appear when I was so close to winning!

I jumped on my bed with my face on it. And I moved my arms and legs around like I was trying to make a snow angel except it was messing the blankets.

"Why does her face keep on hunting me?", I whimpered. Then I grabbed a pillow and cuddled with it.


I kicked her making her cough up blood and I suddenly frozed. My eyes starts to water as I see instead of Minerva's face, I was looking at a person. Who looked like my mother, Hellrios. Her long black hair falls to her feet, she was also wearing a long white kimono with blood red petals designs on it too. Her eyes. Were different. Her right eye was red while the other is gold. Yep she was my mother. But seeing her was too much for me. Knowing that she's already dead.

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