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"You can't win this time Mardgeer! We're winning this so it's best if you give up now."

Mardgeer let out a chuckle and raises his hand in the air. "We got the numbers. Don't over underestimate us demons of Tartaros.", rose vines came up from the ground and hovered into them like a wave. Cutting and hitting the others.

Chrome slowly grinned so wide than her eyes even narrowed. "Numbers don't matter. We'll see how you like this!", she leaps into the air and swings her scythe, cutting off the vines. Then, she lands on the ground, rushing to the others to aid them.

She runs around a diameter with the enemies at the center, with the speed she was giving, a cloud of smoke formed a circle around them.

Meanwhile, Sting and Jackal kept having their little showdown. The two punched and kicked each other for the past while.

"Holy Nova!"

"Exploding Spiral!"

The two clashed their attacks and jumped into one another again and again. Sting sends himself back and then counters with a headbump on Jackal.

"Damn you bastard! When are you gonna give up! You're getting really annoying now!", Jackal pushes hard on Sting's forehead and both of them again, had an arm lock.

"Hah! Unlike you, I'm fighting to get my woman back!", Sting retorted and head butts Jackal.

"Tch! She will be mine! I'm telling you that! A mere human like you can't do shit to me! Not even a little! After all, Mardgeer and him planned all of this. I never expected for me to get attached to her but goddamn, she's too damn hot!", Jackal gets his reflexes back and head butts Sting back.

"Die you bastard!!!!!!!"

Back to Chrome, as she finishes her circle, she dashes into the middle of the circle and leaps into the air. "Exorcism Secret Arts!", she bites her thumb and held her scythe with one hand in the air. "Night Parade of Ten Thousand Souls!!!!!!"

The soldiers began to scream as they get sucked in the middle of the circle which also formed a magic webbed circle that was red and orange in color then got bind down to the ground. "Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!", the all screamed.

"Hahahaha!!! Numbers you say Mardgeer? Who the fuck relies on numbers!", Chrome cackled and teleports infront of Mardgeer then tries to slash him with her scythe but he dodges it and counters with his magic.

From the back, Rithri had a stern look on his face as Vatras contacts him by telepathy. "Rithri, come back to the Demon Realm. I got our culprit."

"Wait, the mastermind behind Tartaros?", said Rithri mentally.

"Yes, I'm sealing him right now and I will be on my way over there. Please, do not let anything happen to both Chrome and.... That boy."

Since this was a time of seriousness, with the human's existence on the line, Rithri didn't even dare himself to make a joke about the whole situation and tease Vatras. "Roger."

Chrome's POV

Heh, this bastard doesn't know what's coming. He's underestimating us way too much. I just can't stand his cockyness.

I felt myself closing to succumb through the power the old man gave me. Who was he? I never knew or met him but he knew my mother. Why is it that it's always about my mother?

Hellrios this Hellrios that, she's dead! Why is it always her!!!!!

That's because it's gonna be always about her.

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