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At Fairy Tail (Still the same day)

"And that's how me and their mother met.", said Skiadrum as he ends his story. He was still in the Fairy Tail guild hall, telling a story about how he and Hellrios met to Erza and the others. Including Sting and Rogue.

Lucy blows her nose with a napkin together with Mirajane who was crying even harder than her. Erza's lips were quivering to stop herself from whining and she clenched her fists. "What a sad story~!", cried Mirajane.

(I'm gonna try to make a special chapter for the past. Skiadrum's story of course~ You don't need to read it if u dont want to ya know! I recommend tho)

"Hm. You weren't there when she died. And from what we've heard earlier, your relationship with that demon Vatras, are in different circumstances? I wanna hear what YOUR story.", asked Mystogan.

"Ara, there's no time for that! We're leaving now! To the Dragon realm!!!!!!!!!', Skiadrum stands up and points at a random direction with a straight expression then opens a portal. "Off we go!"

Erza, Lucy, Natsu, Wendy stood up first and stepped in the portal. "Weeeeeee!!!!!", squeaked Wendy.

Following Sting who was all hyped, he jumps inside. Then Rogue and the exceeds.

"Anyone else?", asked Skiadrum.

Gajeel rushes to Levy and bid byes to her and rushes back to Skiadrum. "I'm ready.", he said with a smile.

Skiadrum nods and then gestures Gajeel to hop in the portal.

Mirajane waves at them and Mystogan stands up. "I'm not going. Say bye to Chrome for me Sir Skiadrum."

"Of course.", he nods then steps in the portal. As soon as he was inside, the portal shrank and disappeared.

"Going off?", Mirajane asks as she stands beside Mystogan.

He nods. "Yeah. Watch everyone for me. I'll be back after two weeks."

"Huh? That long?", she cried a little bit.

He nods again. "Hey, gotta get my mind off her.", he said with a sad smile.

Mirajane understood how he felt ever since and now, she felt sad for him. But she smiled in return. "Goodluck with that other girl. You're gonna need it."

"How do you know?", he asks in surprise.

"Heh, Erza of course. She was pretty concern ya know."

"Hah, of course. It is her edolas counter-part after all.", he chuckles and made his way out of the guild hall. "See ya Mirajane. And thanks."

She waves at him and as soon as he was out of sight, she returns herself behind the counters and serves some drinks.

At Dragon Realm

The gang plus Gajeel gasped in amazement as their eyes were everywhere in the dragon realm. It wasn't land they were on. It was a floating kingdom! They all stood in front of a white castle with gold details on it and it was huuuuuuge. The kingdom plants itself on clouds which made it more amazing. North of the castle, there was a huge waterfall. With greenness on it, pink, red, orange and all sorts of colored flowers were there too. 

"And here we are. Welcome to the Dragon Realm!", Skiadrum gestures his hand to the castle and they woahed. Small dragons were flying everywhere as birds and other reptiles as well.

"Gohoooooooo this is awesome!!!!", Natsu breaths out fire in excitement.

"Kyaahh!!!! It's so pretty!!!!!", Lucy had stars in her eyes as she cups her cheeks.

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