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Nobody's POV

"Nghhhh what the hell happened?", Chrome whined as she wakes up with sleepy eyes. She sits up on a bed, in a dark room with only the moonlight shining through an open walk-in window from a balcony. "I just had the weirdest dream about me on a boat and Sting getting hit by Nii-san's sandal and and...."

A grumpy voice groaned. "It wasn't a dream you dummy. We're here at the island and you passed out few hours ago for some reason.", said Sting with a frown. I'm wondering right now why she has so many guys taking care of her. Auuugh Sting you're jealous all over again!

He smacks himself in the face making Chrome look at him confused with a head tilt. "You're going nuts.", she said sweat-dropping. "What happened?"

"Like I said you passed out but that doesn't matter now.", Sting rushes to her side with a grin and checked her forehead by leaning his own against hers. "You don't have a fever so you're good. It would really suck for all of us tomorrow if you did.", he said.

"What's tomorrow?", she asked.

Sting flinches, realizing that he almost blow everyone's cover. His plan for her is to be surprised at her birthday party tomorrow night. So he shakes his head and smiles. "Nothing really."

Chrome nods her head. "Ah...", she crosses her arms and rubs them. "It's cold."

"That's because you're still wearing your bikini.", Sting looks down on her with a dirty grin and she blushes.

"Sting!!!!", she slaps him across the face making him fall of the bed and he yelps. 

"Here.", he tosses a white shirt to her. "Cover up."

She grabs for the shirt and puts it on. With a sigh, she extends her hand to Sting and he looked at her confused. "........"

He leans forward and stares down at her hand. "What is it."

"Just come here already....", she said puffing her cheeks and a blush.

Sting sighs and scratches the back of his neck feeling tired and overwhelmed.

I don't know what's tomorrow but the atmosphere right now is so calm. I don't want to end this moment.

Thought Chrome. She grabs his hand and pulls him to her, pushing his head onto her lap and began caressing his hair. "I don't know about what's going on but you had a rough day. This is what my mom used to do when i was so stressed out before.", she smiled with her eyes closed, looking calm. 

"You didn't have to pull me though. But oh well, i guess i just have to appreciate what you're doing right now. You're lap is so soft like a pillow but i prefer another type of pill———", Sting gets cut off with a head chop by Chrome.

A nerve popped out of Chrome's cheeks as she looks down on her boyfriend on her lap with a rolled fist. "Go on, say it you pervert.", she says with a black aura coming out of her and Sting flinched with a grin.

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