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Jungkook frowned when his dad pulled up into his old high school parking lot, and not at Hayward University.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Jungkook peered up at the building as the students slowly walked inside. "This isn't Hayward."

"I don't know what a Hayward is, but I know this is where you're supposed to be." He parked and unlocked the doors, waiting for Jungkook to get out.

"What are you talking about? Don't you remember that I graduated last year?" Jungkook shook his head.

"Graduated? Jeongguk, what the hell are you saying? Don't get ahead of yourself, graduation is still a few months away."

Jungkook wanted to argue more, but he didn't think there would be a point.

He climbed out of the car and hurried into the building, hoping his boyfriends would be here so he could talk to them.

He raced down the hall to the very end of the school, where Yoongi's class was.

"Yoongi!" He threw open the door, ready to crush his boyfriend in a tight hug, and stumbled to a shocked halt when someone else was standing there.

"Oh, hello." The lady looked up from writing on the board. "You're early, Jungkook."

Jungkook glanced at what she was writing.

Study Hall 11033

"Study hall?" He echoed, letting the door shut behind him.

She gave him a questioning look. "Yes?"

"What...where's Yoongi? Isn't this supposed to be Sexual Exploration?" Jungkook asked, looking around the empty room.

The walls were bare, as if nobody had ever taught a class here before. There more than five desks in the room.

"Not anymore, don't you remember? You were there. Are you feeling okay?" She frowned.

"What? What do you mean not anymore?" Jungkook's heart started to pound.

She walked over, placing her hand on his forehead. "Do you need to go to the nurse, hon? You feel a little warm."

Jungkook stepped back. "No, I-I'm fine, Mrs. Harvelle."

Her name suddenly popped into his mind. She was one of the art teachers on the second floor, what was she doing teaching a study hall in Yoongi's classroom?

The bell rang, startling him out of his thoughts.

The door opened and Jungkook almost sank to his knees in relief when Seokjin walked in.


He threw himself at the surprised older boy, hugging him tightly.

"Oh thank God you're here! I'm so confused- what's going on? Where's Yoongi? What happened to the class? Is Yoonie okay?"

Seokjin grimaced, shoving Jungkook forcefully away. "Ew, what the fuck are you doing?! Why the hell would you hug me, are you fucking gay or something?"

"Hey, language!" Mrs. Harvelle warned.

Jungkook stared, mouth a little open. "Jin...what...what are you saying? We're dating!"

Seokjin fought a gag as he sat down in one of the chairs. "Shut up, no we're not! That's disgusting, I'm straight! I would never be gay!"

Jungkook's heart dropped right to the floor. "J...Jinnie..."

"Stop calling me that, that makes us sound too close." Seokjin shuddered, pulling out a book and ignoring Jungkook to read it.

Jungkook stood there, not knowing what to do or say.

This day just kept getting weirder and worse with every new development.

The door opened again and Hoseok entered, looking at the ground.

"Hobi...?" Jungkook tested, taking a little step closer.

Hoseok looked up and gave him a tired smile. "Hey, Koo."

Jungkook could have cried.

He rushed over, stopping just short of tackling the boy over.

"Hobi, Hobi, we're dating, right? You're into guys, right?" Jungkook pleaded. "You remember me, right?"

"What are you talking about? Of course I remember you." Hoseok looked at Seokjin, who was ignoring both of them, and grabbed Jungkook's hand, leading him to the back of the room.

They sat down at the desks in the corner,  where the teacher wouldn't hear them.

"Are you okay, Goo?" Hoseok frowned. "Why are you acting so weird?"

"You're all acting weird!" Jungkook exclaimed. "Where's Yoongi? What happened to the class? Why is Seokjin saying he's straight?"

Hoseok sighed, casting a sad look at the pretty switch.

"Hobi!" Jungkook grabbed the boys face, forcing him to look back at him. "What's going on?"

"Did you forget?" Hoseok asked. "The trial?"

"What about the trial?" Jungkook thought back. "I edited the tape, and Yoongi was found not guilty on both charges."

Hoseok leaned back, looking him over in concern. "Did you get hit in the head or something?"

"What do you mean?"

Hoseok looked pained, and Jungkook realized the boy hadn't smiled once or made a joke since he entered, and the youngest felt even more on edge.

"What do you mean, Hoseok?"

"Jungkook...how could you forget? Yoongi was found guilty. We lost."

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