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Jungkook haphazardly threw things into a bag- clothes and his phone charger and a toothbrush- that he would need for the trip.

He didn't know how long they would be gone, but they would at least be staying one night in a hotel somewhere, since it would be an almost 13 hour journey.

He had no idea what Taehyung was doing so far away, especially with not answering his phone, and Jungkook hoped the researcher was okay...

A honk outside jolted him out of his thoughts, and he quickly grabbed his bag, zipping it up as he raced out of the house, too in a rush to tell his parents where he was going.

Hoseok stuck his head out the window of the sleek black limo and waved.

"Goobie! Come on, the seats are heated!"

Jungkook blushed as people on the sidewalk stared at the flashy car and hurried to slide inside, slamming the door shut.

"Thank you for driving us, Cassie." Jungkook pulled up the directions on his phone and turned on the Bluetooth for the butler to follow.

Hoseok sighed, leaning back in the leather seat. "Sannamdong, huh? What's he doing all the way over there?"

"I have no idea, but I hope he's doing okay." Jungkook bit his nail, looking out the window at the passing scenery.

"I'm sure he is." Hoseok assured him. "He's a little...ditsy, but he's ours."

"Who was that girl?" Jungkook asked him. "At your house yesterday?"

Hoseok frowned and looked away. "Boram."

Jungkook waited for an explanation.

Hoseok huffed. "After the trial and everyone split up and Seokjin was taken away, my parents thought I was lonely so they set me up with the daughter of some business partner. I don't love her, don't worry. I still only want Jin and you all. I'm just hanging out with her because I'm contractually obligated to for two years. Our relationship is a business deal."

"Shit...I'm so sorry Hobi." Jungkook bit his lip.

Hoseok shrugged. "Not your fault."

"I left and because of that everything fell apart." Jungkook put his head in his hands. "Jimin went back with Cho, Taehyung moved away, you were forced into a business deal...and Yoongi..."

"None of this is your fault, you're allowed to have emotions too." Hoseok insisted. "Agust just won, is all. But we're going to fix everything."

Jungkook nodded, not yet ready to ask what it was that Agust had done to turn the tables.


He didn't remember falling asleep, but then he was rustled out of his dream by the limo pulling to a halt.

"We're here?" He mumbled sleepily, sitting up and looking out the window.

"The GPS has ended, Mr. Jeon." Cassie replied.

Jungkook frowned as he looked around. They were parked off to the side of the road at an intersection.

There were restaurants and buildings around them, but no houses, like Jungkook had expected to pull up to.

Hoseok looked confused too. "How can we be here? This is just a random spot!"

Jungkook grabbed his phone to look at the directions. "I just put in the latitude and longitude of the last location of Tae's phone number here, so maybe he had been walking here or something when the phone pinged off a cell tower nearby. Then maybe it died, or something? I don't know."

"Look!" Hoseok pointed at a large building excitedly. "It's a university! He must work there! Cassie-"

"On it, Mr. Jung." Cassie eased back into traffic, turning left at the intersection to pull into the large parking lot of the school.

They two quickly climbed out, hurrying into the grand main doors.

"Sannamdong University." Hoseok mused as they walked to the front office. "This place is really prestigious. I bet he got a job as a teacher here. Maybe that's why he moved? For the job?"

Jungkook nodded, because it seemed logical.

He approached the desk. "Excuse me, is there a teacher here by the name of Kim Taehyung?"

The receptionist typed on her computer to search. "Hmm, no there is not."

Jungkook blanked. "What- are you sure?"

"Yes, I went through all the Kim's." She said.

"What about a Min Yoongi?" Hoseok asked. "Does he teach here?"

It was a long shot, but worth the shot.

She shook her head. "Not him either."

Jungkook's shoulders slumped. "How can he not be here? His phone...the school...it all made sense!"

Hoseok sighed, guiding him back out. "Maybe he's just going by a different name. The trial was a huge scandal on TV, maybe he didn't want to bring all that baggage with him when he moved. We'll get a hotel for the night and think about it. Hungry?"

Jungkook was starving actually, he hadn't eaten all day.

"There's a McFastfood nearby, let's just get some burgers and find a close hotel." Hoseok kissed Jungkook's forehead as they got back inside the car.

Jungkook just nodded, too upset to do anything else.

Cassie drove them over and parked across ten spots. "The limo won't fit through the drivethru, you'll have to walk inside."

"No problem, want anything?" Hoseok asked as they climbed out.

They walked inside and got in line.

"I feel like we're missing something." Jungkook muttered, biting his nail in thought.

"We probably are, we don't have Nyummieboo's big sexy brain to help us." Hoseok agreed.

The line moved up.

"Hi, welcome to McFastfoods, can I take your order?"

Why did that voice sound so famili-

Jungkook gasped, his head shooting up to meet Taehyung's equally shocked eyes.


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