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Despite the blindfold wrapped tightly around his eyes, the alter raised his head at Jungkook's voice.

The corner of his mouth quirked up in a smirk. "Ah, my favorite muscle bunny. What a pleasant surprise."

The sound of chains rustling echoed in the room as the alter shifted. "Unfortunately, Yoongi isn't here right now, can I take a message?"

Jungkook's mouth opened slightly, no words coming out. He walked over, standing just a foot away from the cage.

The alter was dressed in pitch black robes.

"Agust..." He reached out, his fingertips brushing the bars of the strong cage.

As if sensing how close Jungkook's hand was, Agust hissed and jolted back, rattling the chains that wrapped around his arms and torso.

"Don't touch me! Stay back!"

His hands were behind his back, presumably also chained, and Jungkook noticed the steel collar around the alter's pale neck, bolted to the floor of the cage.

The staff weren't taking any chances on letting him escape, and Jungkook grew angry.

"This isn't how anything is supposed to be!" He cried out, banging his fists on the cage. "No! You're not supposed to be here! We're all supposed to be at home! Safe! With everyone happy and loving each other!"

Agust chuckled, tossing his head back to shake his black bangs out of his face. "I see why they brought you here now. You're delusional."

"No, I'm right." Jungkook growled. He studied the cage, looking for a way out of it. "Just trust me."

Agust snorted. "Trust you? The person who hates me most in the whole world? How the fuck did you even find me here? How did you get inside this place? You just suddenly show up and want me to trust you?"

"Agust- just let me talk to Yoongi." Jungkook grabbed the bars of the cage desperately. "I can help you get out of here. We can all escape."

"All?" Agust frowned, leaning back. "Who else is here?"

Jungkook's hand shot through the bars, grabbing the collar and yanked the alter closer.

"Hey- don't touch-!"

He ripped the blindfold off- just as a blaring alarm sounded.

Agust winced and Jungkook clamped his hands over his ears.

"What's that?" He cried.

"You fucking idiot!" Agust shouted over the piercing alarm. "The red light is a motion censor! If anything leaves or enters it the alarm goes off! I told you not to fucking touch me!"

Jungkook got to his feet, panicking. "How do I shut it off?"

"You can't." Agust sighed, cracking his neck. "They're coming."

Jungkook didn't want to know who they were, though he could easily guess who would come running down that hallway.

There was nowhere to hide- the room was vacant of anything but the cage, and the hallway had no other doors to hide behind.

"Fuck," he muttered, knowing he would be punished for being in here, and lose his white robe benefits. They might even hurt Namjoon or Agust too if he got caught here.

Desperate and running out of time, his eyes scanned the walls, the red light flashing and making it hard to see.

But then he spotted a vent, and he raced towards it.

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