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They checked into the hotel, with the three kids sharing a suite and Cassie getting his own next door.

"Whoa, I forgot how great running water is!" Taehyung cheered as he hopped into the shower. "Holy shit- soap! This place has everything!"

Jungkook sighed, flopping back on one of the beds.

Hoseok sat next to him, flipping through the room service menu. "What do you want to eat?"


"It's not Seokjin's cooking, but it'll do." Hoseok picked up the phone to place the order.

Taehyung came out of the shower a while later, changing into someone of their clothes they had brought with since his work uniform was dirty.

"McBurn it." Taehyung decided, looking in distaste at the red and yellow outfit.

"So now what?" Hoseok asked. "Nyambaby is so close yet so far!"

"We have to talk to him," Jungkook thought out loud. "Without his parents seeing us."

"How do we do that? They pick him up and drop him off exactly on time." Taehyung climbed on the bed with him.

"We would have to get to him the only time he's not under their supervision." Hoseok nodded. "When he's in class."

"Break into the school?" Taehyung gasped.

"We don't have to do that, we can just walk right in by looking like students." Jungkook said. "I mean, Hobi and I are the same age as most of the kids there, we won't stand out."

"Oh, right. Less dramatic but okay."

"Tae, what's his schedule?" Hoseok asked.

Taehyung shrugged. "I don't know, I just know he gets dropped off at 8 and picked up at 4, exactly."

"Would he answer if we called him?" Jungkook asked.

"He can't, he got a new number. Well, his parents made him get a new number, so I don't know it." Taehyung sighed. "I doubt he would answer an unknown number in the middle of class anyways."

"Is it too sus if we ask about his schedule at the main office?" Hoseok wondered. "Like, is that something youth these days do? Or will the cops come?"

"I'm sure we could, if we say we're his friends." Jungkook nodded. "Let's buy some school supplies tomorrow and blend in. Maybe we'll luck out and bump into him in the hall or something."

Their room service came a few minutes later and after they all ate and climbed into one bed together, Jungkook fell asleep peacefully, for the first time since he arrived in this terrible new realty.

Two boyfriends back, four to go.

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