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Namjoon's breath caught in his throat, seeing the strong alter raise his head.

Despite the blindfold and dark lighting, Suga's eyes seemed to drill directly into the doctors and Namjoon shivered, relieved he wasn't the one on the receiving end of that stare.

"Suga honey, I was hoping the little spitfire would be the one to emerge, but I won't lie and say I'm not pleased to see you." Dr. Ji chuckled.

"The feeling isn't mutual." Suga jerked away when he felt the doctors hand reach inside the cage, his fingers brushing over the alters cheek. "Get away from Yoongi! You don't have permission to touch him!"

The doctor settled for patting the alters knee. "Life is more fun when you don't live for permission, dear."

He stood up. "Try not to miss me too much, my ventus subditos, I'll be right back."

He left the room, the door locking into place behind him.

"Su!" Namjoon strained to reach the alter. "Are you okay? I've missed you all so much!"

"Namjoon..." Suga faced him, frowning. "You and Jungkook need to get out of here. It's not safe. I've heard the things he plans to do to you...you need to get out before that happens."

"I don't give a damn what happens to me." Namjoon said fiercely. "As long as Jungkook and you and Yoongi and everyone else all gets out okay, then I'll be fine."

Suga blushed softly at Namjoon implying he was someone separate from Yoongi.

"Wait," Namjoon frowned. "How...did you know Jungkook was here?"

The door opened again, and along with the doctor, a few strong looking orderlies stepped inside.

"Bring them both." The doctor said, like he was packing shirts for a trip instead of talking about two human beings.

Namjoon kicked at the bars of his cage, snarling threats, but the men picked him up easily, carrying him out of the room.

He could hear the sounds behind him of Suga also being carried out, and he feared where they were being taken.

He had a bad feeling about the clones the doctor had mentioned, and as the elevator doors slowly shut, he almost wished he was back in the safety of that red room.

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