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"How did you get here?" Yoongi breathed, cupping Jungkook's cheek so gently.

Jungkook held Yoongi's hand softly. "Doesn't matter, we just need to get out now."

Namjoon glanced up at the vent. "If we bring the table over, we could reach it to climb out."

Jungkook nodded. "It leads to an exit, a graveyard. Let's get the hell out of-"

The door opened, cutting him off and they all turned around to see four strong guards rush in, followed by Dr. Ji.

Namjoon growled, backing up as he held Yoongi tighter, with Jungkook moving to stand in front of them both protectively.

"How did you get free?" Dr. Ji raised an eyebrow at Namjoon, then sighed. "Let me guess, the little spitfire anomaly."

"Leave them alone." Jungkook warned as the guards walked towards them.

"Afraid I can't do that." Dr. Ji stood back, watching as his guards advanced. "This place is going to blow sooner than later, and I don't have time to dismantle my machines and take them with me. But I do have time to make one last clone, and take him with me." He smirked. "Suga honey, come on, our deal still stands. Come on out, and I'll leave Yoongi alone."

"You're not taking him!" Namjoon spat, setting Yoongi down to stand in front of him, fingers curling into fists as a guard reached for them.

Jungkook's fist was faster, snapping the guard's head sideways, knocking him to the floor.

From there, everything happened so fast.

The other guard tackled Jungkook to the ground, both of them snarling and punching each other. The third guard lunged for Yoongi, and Namjoon stopped him with a powerful punch to the throat, and was immediately brought to his knees by a kick from the fourth guard.

Yoongi backed up with a small cry, hating to see his two loves fighting and getting injured on his behalf. "Stop! Stop it!"

"You can end all of this, Yoon." Dr. Ji cooed. "Let Suga out, and my guards will let your boyfriends go."

"N-no..." Yoongi trembled, wrapping his arms around himself. "You can't take him...he's my guardian angel. I-I need him."

"I need him more. I can take a sample of his DNA to replicate my machine." Dr. Ji growled. "You're not leaving here with my last shot to salvage my life's work."

"Ah!" Jungkook shouted, laying on the ground with the guard over him, wrenching his arm back in a way that made Yoongi fear it would snap in half.

"Stop it! Let him go!" He begged, tears running down his cheeks as he raced over to help, only to be blocked by one of the guards.

Namjoon struggled from where he was being held between two guards, new bruises on his face. "Yoongi- get out of here!"

"Boys," Dr. Ji addressed his guards. "In exactly one minute, snap the boy's necks if Suga doesn't come out."

"No!" Yoongi cried, torn. "Please, don't do this!"

"We don't have all day," the doctor snapped, impatient. "Let's fucking go already."

The guard grabbed Yoongi's arm, dragging him to the machine again.

"Let him go!" Jungkook shouted, thrashing under the heavy guard. "Don't touch him!"

"You'll die for this." Namjoon threatened, murder in his eyes as he strained against the two men holding him.

Dr. Ji pulled out a needle from the pocket of his lab coat. "I'm not taking any risks this time. I don't want the baby alter and the female one will get in my way. Suga, if you don't come out this time, I'll make sure Yoongi suffers for your mistake."

Pressed against the glass of the large tube by the guard, Yoongi could only watch in fear as the needle was pushing into his neck, crying out in pain when the adrenaline flooded into his veins.

The guard yanked Yoongi back, shoving him into the tube, closing it behind him.

"All ready to go, boss." He informed the doctor.

Dr. Ji flipped up the lid of the red button, determined to get it right this time.

There was no reasoning with the angry one, and he knew the female would fight him every step of the way. The baby would be easy to control, but the doctor didn't want to have to deal with its crying or screaming.

"No!" Jungkook gasped, eyes wide as he watched the doctor slam his palm down over the button.

"You better hope he listens to me." Dr. Ji warned them as the machine started to shake, filling with steam as loud beeping noises started up. "Or his failure will be the last thing you see."


Jeongguk found the door Seokjin was talking about. There was no other rooms in this whole area, except for this vast door. It had to be the experimentation room, his boys had to be in here.

The door was locked with a keypad next to it, and Jeongguk punched it with his fist, breaking the screen and sending buttons flying.

The door opened halfway, broken now, and Jeongguk squeezed through, mouth opening in shock when he saw the scene.

Jungkook, pinned to the ground, Namjoon, fighting with two men, the doctor, staring intently at the second tube that had just opened.

But most importantly, he couldn't take his eyes off of the alter who had just walked out of the second tube.

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