Chapter Forty One

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"Ahh, Amelia" Taehyung's Mum greeted her warmly. Kissing both her cheeks, hugging her and bowing, as Mia returned her bow.

"I wasn't sure which greeting you favoured so I went with all three" she laughed.

"It's so lovely to finally meet you, I've heard so much about you both"

"Us too, about you, all of it good before you worry"

"Well, that is a relief" Mia sighed.

"Come on, let me introduce you. Jimin's parents are just over there and Jungkook's are running a little late, they won't be too long"

As Mia was introduced to her soulmates family members, she couldn't have been happier at their response to her. Although she found herself looking for her soulmates, just to check they were ok.

"Don't worry, I do the same with Taehyung's Father, if he's not in my eye line, I like to check he's alright, even if it's just through emotions"

"I'm still not very good with channelling theirs. I'm working on it though, they've all said to give it time"

"Of course, it came naturally to them, but it'll take time. Taehyung tells me you're getting a dog?"

"Oh yes, Miso, they bought him for me after, everything, I met him on our way here, he's beautiful"

"I was shown a picture of him and he's very handsome, it almost makes me want another"

"Oh, how many do you have?"

"Four, and Yeontan stays a lot"

"I love him, he's such a lovely old man"

"Only to the right people, he's very protective in his little way" she laughed as Jimin's Mum joined them.

"They've begun to talk about sports so I've come to the safety of you two ladies"

"We were just talking about dogs"

"Oh yes, Jimin said you were picking up yours on the way back, he looks lovely. Dogs are such good pets"

"Well, the boys dogs are, I've only ever had cats. Although my cat back in England was quite, erm, feisty"

"Yes, Jimin mentioned you had a cat, such a shame you couldn't bring him with you"

"Oh no, he's quite happy. I was more of a friend than an owner, and he's made himself quite at home with the lady next door, my friend Jase, who is somewhere, has moved into my old flat, so he keeps an eye"

"Oh yes, Jimin said your friend had come to stay, he said what a nice man he is, you should
find him a Korean girl so he can stay"

"Oh, I don't think a girl would make him happy. He's gay"

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I just assumed.."

"No, no, it's fine. Although I think he might have found himself a Korean, he just needs a little nudge in the right direction"

"Well, I'm sure you'll give him that nudge"

"Oh I will, he will be heading there with speed if he takes any longer" Mia laughed.

"I'm so glad we've got to finally meet you, you
make our boys so happy after such a long time. I wasn't sure what to expect when they said they had met a woman, their final soulmate. It's just been them for so long, but you're so what's the word? Down to planet?"

"Down to earth? Thank you that's very kind. I'm so glad I've met you both, and everyone else you're all so lovely"

"We were just as nervous meeting you, you know? It's a big deal. We have to make a good impression on you too"

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