Epilogue- Part One

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"Yes my love"

"Can I go out tonight?"

"Where? With who? With what money? You said yesterday you'd spent your allowance"

"Well..." Hana smiled innocently.

"Spit it out, if you want to go..."

"Ok, can I go to a party with Nabi and Bunny and can I borrow some money until I get my allowance"

"No you can't go to a party on a school night, you know that, and if you want to have extra money you know you have to do the extra chores that are on the board"

"I'm nearly sixteen" Hana huffed.

"And when you're not in school you can go to parties but you'll still have a curfew. We need to know where you are and who you're with. We've talked about this Hana"

"If I do some chores can we go to the cinema then?"

"Ok. But one of us will drop you off and pick you up, let us know what film you're seeing and you've got to be home by Nine thirty. Hana? I love you. Have a nice time"

"Ok. Mama, love you. I'll message you" Hana kissed her cheek and skipped out of Mia's office.

"The chore list is on the board" Mia called after her.

Hana wanted to go to a party with Nabi and Bunny. Said no. She's going to the cinema. Must be home by nine-thirty, ten at the very latest. Said they could go if one of us take them and pick them up, she's doing extra chores for money.

I'll take them and collect them. I'm at the studio. Love you xx

Ok. Thanks love. I'll be home late tonight I've got a midwife appointment xx

I'll collect you from home when I'm finished here. We can have dinner afterwards xx

If she calls me a geriatric pregnancy again though. Hold me back!

I'll just hold a cookie on the other side 😉

It had taken Mia almost four years to feel ready for another baby, and after trying with Taehyung for almost six months, they had conceived twins. This was their twenty-week scan where hopefully they found out what sexes they were having.

She shoots she scores!

Ahhh well done Aera! Good job!

She's thrilled! We're just heading home.

Awesome 🤩

"Come on then babies, let's go and take a nap on the sofa for ten minutes. I'm knackered. I don't know about a geriatric pregnancy. My body feels geriatric" Mia slumped onto the sofa just as Hana began loudly hoovering.

"Fuck my life" Mia muttered, closing her eyes with a sigh.

"Feet" Hana pointed.

"Oh sorry" Mia lifted her legs.

"I'm going to go and take a quick nap upstairs ok? Will you tell your Appa I'm upstairs when he comes in?"

"Uh-huh" Hana nodded.

"Seriously babies, I want her to do chores, then she does chores and I get annoyed because I want to nap. I'm annoying aren't I? Don't answer that. You'll find out when you come out, all I can say is good luck, you'll need it" Mia rubbed her stomach. She was feeling bittersweet about this pregnancy, she both wanted to get it over with and for it to never end. It was sad for her, she didn't want to think of a time when she couldn't get pregnant, she didn't want to know these were the last children she would carry, the last time she would hold a newborn she had birthed. The last time she would breastfeed, the last time she would need newborn things. But she was so excited, so excited for Taehyung, so excited that they had waited.

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