Chapter One Hundred and Ten

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"Come on!" Jimin whined.

"I'm coming!" Mia laughed. They had decided to go on a date day to York. After looking after Grace for two days, Mia had been thankful to hand her back to her Dad's. They had decided to try out a clip and climb centre. Jimin was substantially more excited than Mia.

"If I fall and die, I want it on record this was your idea" Mia winked at their security for the day.

"If you fall, I'll be right there to catch you, baby"

"Oh, you..."

Climbing around the brightly coloured assault course, Mia was using muscles she hadn't for a while. Her legs and arms were aching. Jimin was taking photographs of her, whilst she was swinging across the enormous climbing wall.

"How are you so good?"

"I did this as a teenager. It was amazing. I used to feel like I was the queen of the world when I reached the top" Mia smiled down.

"You're so full of hidden talents"

"Come on slow coach" Mia grinned as Jimin grabbed her foot.

"That's cheating"

"All is fair in love and war" Jimin beamed as Mia shook him off and continued to climb.

Finishing their session and changing. Mia waited outside for Jimin. He always took so long getting changed.

"Hey baby, you good?" An arm around her waist and the faint smell of vanilla alerted her it was her Husband.

"Yes! I'm starving!"

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see!"

Getting into the car Mia drove to their lunch destination.


"Why not? We can eat in the car? Play some tunes"

"You know how to treat a man"

"Yes, yes I do. Now, do you want me to order?"

"Yes. Please" Jimin nodded as Mia drove into the drive-through of McDonald's.

"You know I've taken so many photos of this trip. I just want to post them all!" Jimin scrolled through his phone.

"You can post them all as soon as we get back. Yoongs posted one single picture of a shell on the beach. He was here for three weeks and that was the picture he chose to share!"

"Yeah because you won't allow us to post pictures of you, your family, pets, friends, people... the endless list"

"Yeah because otherwise your management calls you and bollocks you and then you're like oh why didn't you tell me" Mia shook her head.

"Are you excited to be going home?"

"So excited, so so excited! I'm going to sniff our kids until they have bald patches, Miso is probably going to pee himself. We've got a lot of things to get sorted, but, I'm happy we're on the right path"

"Me too. I can't wait to fuck you and not worry someone can hear"

"Ahh same! I can't wait to see the others either, it's been the longest weeks of my life without having all of you. I bet Jin and Kook have started taking care of each other just to fulfil the need"

"Probably and Hobi Hyung is probably disciplining the plants"

"Haha. Yes, either that or Taehyung"

"Probably. It's nice that you don't mind about our past or that we show each other affection"

Blood, Sweat and Tears - an OT7 Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now