September 1st, 1991

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Thanks to whitetiger91 from Diagon II for betaing this for me. Without further ado Prankster Lion, Bookworm Badger.

Also, I'm American but I'm quite familiar with British terminology/spellings but I perfer American terminology/spellings for some words like instead of mate I'll use friend. Although, it might be a mix of American/British terminology.

Chapter 1: New Friends

A bespectacled brunette third-year was sitting in a quiet compartment on the Hogwarts Express alone waiting for her best friends. She was reading a book when there was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in."

A blond boy and a girl with bushy brown hair walked in.

"Mind if we sit here?"

The girl shook her head and said. "No, not at all. I was waiting for my friends but I don't think they would mind."

"Okay," The brunette said, sitting down.

The blond boy sat a few seats down from her.

"So, are you two first years?" she asked, putting her bookmark in her book.

They didn't look familiar.

The brunette nodded, "Yes, we are. How about you?"

"I'm actually a third-year but nice to meet you anyway. I'm Adelaine Romero."

The brunette nodded again. "I'm Hermione Granger."

"I'm Neville Longbottom," The blond boy said, shyly.

Adelaine smiled at the boy. She recalled that she was a lot like Neville when she was a first year, but her best mate Lee, brought her out of her shell. He was quite loud and a prankster.

Her musings were interrupted when her best mate and their other two friends, Fred and George, showed up.

"Hey Lainey," Lee greeted, sitting next to her.

Adelaine smiled. "Hey Lee, these are Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom."

"First years?" He asked them.

They nodded in response.

"I'm Lee Jordan," He said whilst putting an arm around Adelaine.

The two of them had always been pretty affectionate so it was normal for Fred, George and the rest of the third year Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs to see Lee's arm around Adelaine; they thought nothing of it because they knew despite them being opposites at first glance they got along quite well. Though it kind of threw the two first years off.

"I'm Fred," The first ginger introduced himself as he copied Lee's actions and sat down.

"I'm George," The other ginger said, sitting down next to his brother.

"It's nice to meet you."

"You too," Hermione replied, formally.

"So, Granger. I don't recognize that last name." Lee said, thoughtfully.

Lee was a halfblood but he carried the prestigious name of the Jordan family.

"I'm a muggle-born," Hermione said, hesitantly.

Lee couldn't help but smile wistfully at the revelation because his beloved mother is also a muggle-born.

"Don't worry, that doesn't matter to us," Adelaine assured her smiling.

Hermione nodded, breathed a sigh of relief and said. "I noticed the book you were reading when we walked in, that's one of my favorites."

Adelaine looked over at the book she had been reading it was a very worn copy of 'Little Women' and replied. "It's one of my favorites too."

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