What is this Feeling?

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It was now time for Adelaine's detention. She walked into Snape's classroom not too surprised to see the twins and Lee in detention. She always felt cold in this room but seeing Lee suddenly made it warmer.

"Lainey, what are you doing here?" Lee asked, surprised to see his best friend in detention.

Although, she has had her share of detentions with them but usually that's because she would almost always reluctantly get wrapped up in their hijinks. So, she rarely gets detention on her own.

"I'll explain later, Lee," She said, sitting in the seat next to him as Snape walked in.

He nodded. Snape gave them their task for their detention.

"This is like the 'Breakfast Club'." Adelaine said.

Fred and George looked confused at the reference.

"It's a muggle movie, that she loves," Lee explained to his ginger friends.

They nodded.

"I'm the brain and possibly the princess." Adelaine said, "Fred and George are the athletes."

"That would make me the the rebel," Lee said.

Adelaine nodded and said. "Yeah, it does."

Fred and George went to the other side of the room so they could talk.

"So, why did you get detention?"

Adelaine blushed and said. "I got caught snogging Oliver."

"So, you finally made your move. That's good," He said, hugging her tightly.

Adelaine was about to tell him that she felt no chemistry when she kissed Oliver but Lee was so happy for her. Though she realized that she felt quite different in his arms than usual.

They finished their detention. Lee accompanied Adelaine back to the Hufflepuff common room. Adelaine continued searching for what could be wrong with Leslie. Muggleborns left and right have been petrified including Hermione.


It was now time for their Hogsmeade weekend right around Valentine's Day. It was quite cold. So Adelaine she was wrapped up in what seemed a thousand coats and jackets.

"Aren't you going on a date with Oliver?" Lee asked.

Adelaine looked confused at her best friend and said. "Oh, right. It's Valentine's Day," It had completely slipped her mind.

"I mean it's Valentine's Day one of the most romantic holidays of the year; I thought you would want to share it with your boyfriend," He shrugged, nonchalantly.

Adelaine glanced over at Oliver and his sixth-year friends. He caught her eye just at the right time and smiled at her. This was more the cold's fault; but Adelaine could feel herself blushing.

Although, she noticed that she didn't feel the same way she used to when he smiled at her. Before she could protest, Lee started pushing her over towards Oliver but she ended up falling arse down in the snow.

"Lee Jordan!" Adelaine exclaimed.

Lee just smirked at her and left her lying down in the snow.

"Here let me help," Oliver said, holding out his gloved hand to help her up.

"At least someone is a gentleman," Adelaine said, sarcastically towards Lee.

"You're the clumsy one!" Lee shouted he was already far away from her probably fearing her wrath.

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