Untitled Part 44

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"So, that's where Lee gets his penchant for matchmaking," Adelaine smiled at her boyfriend.

"Except for the twist that I ended up falling for you after I set you up with Oliver."

Adelaine nodded and said. "It was so awkward when I kissed Oliver but I still feel fireworks go off when we kiss."

Lee grinned and kissed her forehead sweetly.

"Even the first time you kissed my forehead had more chemistry when I kissed Oliver."

"Who's this Oliver?"

"He was the Quidditch captain and I was completely besotted with him for two years but when we finally kissed in my fourth year it was very awkward."

Andromeda nodded and questioned. "So, this Oliver was your first crush?"

Adelaine blushed deeply and said. "No."

"I always thought Oliver was your first crush as well, why didn't you tell me otherwise."

IAdelaine shook her head and said. "I didn't plan on telling anyone I was planning on taking the secret to the grave. I didn't even tell Cedric," Adelaine said, wistfully.

"Was it that embarrassing that you didn't want me to know?" Lee asked, sounding a little hurt.

"It wasn't exactly embarrassing but I just didn't want anyone to know."

Lee was determined to figure out who his girlfriend's first crush was so he suggested, "It couldn't have been Cedric since he was like a brother to you. I doubt it would've been a teacher."

"Of course it wasn't Cedric or a teacher."

"Who else is there?"

Adelaine blushed even deeper and hid her blush in her boyfriend's shoulder.

"Don't tell me it was Fred or George. That's why it's so easy for you tell them apart," Lee said.

"Of course not, but if you tell them about this crush I'll hex you," Adelaine threatened.

Lee nodded and said. "Not in a million years would it be Percy but that only leaves Bill or..." he trailed off.

"Charlie," Andromeda finished.

"Yes, it was Charlie," Adelaine admitted.

"How did it start, love?"

October 1989

Adelaine was walking out of Defense when a Slytherin first year, Elaine Flint pushed her books out of her arms.

"Hey know-it-all." she sneered as she pushed Adelaine down.

"I'm not a know-it-all," Adelaine said, bravely.

"Yes you are and not to mention a four-eyes," she said, taking off Adelaine's glasses.

"I need those," Adelaine said.

She dropped them on the ground and stepped on them. Suddenly a mild stinging hex was sent towards the girl. Adelaine looked up to see two blurry figures one with vibrant red hair similar to her year mates Fred and George and the other with familiar bubblegum pink hair.

"Are you okay, Adelaine?" The girl asked.

"I can't see," she said feeling around for her glasses.

The redhead fixed her glasses and handed them to the girl who put them on her face. Adelaine's vision cleared to look at Dora and she didn't know the redhead's name.

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