The Feeling Was always there but never Spoken

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It was now later that night, Lee was tossing and turning in his bed. He couldn't sleep. This was the third time this month he's had trouble sleeping he rarely has no problem sleeping. He uncovered himself, crept down to the common room and sat down on the scarlet couch.

It was silent for a few minutes until he heard someone else walk down the stairs.

"Lee?" Fred and George asked.

"Oh, hey guys," He said casually.

"This is third time you've been up since the beginning of the month," George said.

Lee snapped. "Don't you think I bloody know that."

"What's wrong?" George asked he was the more sensitive of the twins.

"Nothing except for the bloody fact that my best friend bloody kissed the bloody Qudditch captain!" Lee exclaimed.

The twins nodded at their friend's outburst.

"The ironic thing is that I'm the one who encouraged her to talk to him; and now I'm bloody jealous and I don't understand why. I should be happy that she finally made a move on the bloke that she's fancied since our second year," Lee said, with his head in his hands.

"So, that explains the glares you've been sending Oliver every chance you get," Fred smirked.

"I haven't been glaring at Oliver," Lee denied.

"On the contrary, if looks could could kill our poor Oliver would be dead. And don't think we didn't notice that you practically wanted to hex his arm off today when he had his arm around her," George laughed.

Lee looked up surprised at the comment not because it's not true but he was just surprised they knew that muggle expression.

"And not to mention you looked like you wanted to explode when I asked her about the date," Fred smirked.

That was the exact reason Fred brought up the date to Adelaine just see how Lee would react.

"So, just how long have you fancied her?" George asked.

A blush formed over Lee's dark features as he said. "I do not fancy my best female friend."

"Why are you blushing then?" Fred smirked.

Lee groaned, rubbed his neck nervously and admitted. "I suppose I'm starting to fancy Lainey something fierce. Too bad she doesn't feel the same way about me since Quidditch players always seem to get the girls," He finished, sighing sadly.

Who would thought he would be like this over his best friend? He sure didn't, not in a million years. Although, if you ask anyone in their immediate families or their friends it would come as no surprise.

They ended up falling asleep on the couch.


Fred blabbed about the kiss to Angelina a few days later so she decided to talk to Oliver about it.

"Oliver!" she hollered out to him across the courtyard.

"Oh, hey Ang," he greeted the younger dark-skinned girl.

Angie put her hands on her hips, scowled and asked. "So, what's the deal with you and Adalaine kissing?"

He thought for a moment. Did Adalaine tell Angelina about the kiss? She wasn't as close with Angelina as she was with Alicia or even Katie despite her being a third year. He was surprised that it wasn't Alicia or Katie talking to him about the kiss. Actually, he rather it be one of the other two girls sometimes Angelina could be quite scary.

"Lee told Fred and he told me that you and Adelaine kissed." she clarified.

"Oh," Oliver said.

"You don't seem like the type to lead someone on but if you lead Adelaine on. You have another thing coming."

Oliver started to laugh.

"This is no laughing matter, Wood." She said seriously, glaring at him.

She wasn't even a bit intimidated by her Quidditch captain.

"Adelaine's told me herself that there was no chemistry when we kissed and she's like a sister. Not that I would know what having a sister is like but you get my point."

Angie nodded and said, "She's fancied you since our second year how could she not feel anything when she kissed you. Bad kisser, much?"

"I resent that, Johnson," He smirked and continued."She doesn't realize it yet but she has feelings for Lee."

"And you realized she has feelings for Lee, how?" Angelina asked surprised.

Oliver chuckled and said. "While Lee is shooting me looks that could kill, I've noticed she's looking at him with a slight glazed look in her eyes."

Angie nodded, thought for a moment and said. "I haven't noticed, but that's probably because I've been staring at Fred a lot."


Adelaine continued working to find what was wrong with Leslie but with no luck.

That's not the only thing she's worried about she's noticed that Lee hasn't been affectionate with her lately. He rarely if ever puts his arm around her anymore.

Was he mad at her? Maybe she has been spending too much in the library but he knows she wants to find out what's wrong with Leslie.

Adalaine was leaving the library late one night. She made her way to the Hufflepuff common room.

"Romero, what are you doing out this late?" That familiar nasal voice said.

Adalaine turned to see Percy. She expected some points to be taken away.

"I say thirty points off, that's it." Percy said before Adalaine could protest.


It was now the next morning, Adalaine got up and got ready and left the common room with Cedric. She missed Lee waiting for her and his arm around her. Her musings were interrupted when Cedric tried to put his arm around her to comfort her.

"This feels really weird," she commented.

Cedric immediately took his arm from around her. He agreed it was quite weird since they had never been affectionate. They were like brother and sister. She sat at the Hufflepuff table and found herself glancing over at the Gryfffindor table longingly every once and a while. One of those moments she caught Oliver's eye without meaning to. He gave her a slight smile and she smiled back.

After breakfast, Adalaine got up and started walking towards Potions. Great, the last class she needs right now.


She turned to look at the Gryffindor Quidditch captain smiling slightly at her his smile didn't cheer her up as easily as Lee's did but it helped. He didn't have the dimples that Lee did.

"I've been missing your presence at the Gryffindor table lately," he said, casually.

Adelaine sighed and said. "I don't know if Lee wants me there anymore."

"Hasn't he been your best friend since your first year?"

Adelaine nodded and said. "Yes, but maybe he doesn't want to be my friend anymore."

Before Oliver could reply they reached the Potions classroom and said goodbye.

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