2 years Post War - Part 2

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Word Count: 976

The next morning Adelaine woke up first. She noticed Lee's huge hand was covering her stomach protectively. Her stomach slightly churned and she rushed to the loo to empty the contents of her stomach. Lee followed her to hold her hair back.

"Thanks Lee," she thanked her husband.

"No problem, you want me to try and find something that will help with your nauseousness and sickness."

Adelaine nodded before emptying her stomach again. Lee walked down the stairs and frantically searched the cupboards but he didn't find anything. He decided to Floo call his mum.

"Hey sweetie," his mum greeted.

"Hey mum, Adelaine hasn't been really feeling well. Do you have any ideas how to help her nauseousness and sickness?"

"Is it the flu or something like that?"

Lee shook his head trying to hold back a grin but failing and said. "No, actually you and dad are going to be grandparents. She's three months pregnant."

"We're coming over and I'll bring something to help her."


"Not a problem."

They said goodbye and Lee went to go check on Adelaine. She seemed to be done emptying her stomach.

"You finished?" Lee asked carefully.

"For now."

Lee nodded and said. "My parents are coming over, I've let the cat out of the bag."

"Alright, maybe your mum will know how to calm my nauseousness and sickness," Adelaine said.

"That's exactly why I flooed her."

Adelaine nodded rinsing her mouth and washing her face.

"You need my help for anything else?"

"I'm pregnant not helpless," Adelaine said, resting her hand on her stomach.

Lee chuckled and said. "You've never been helpless, love."

Before Adelaine could respond there was a thump from the fireplace downstairs. The couple walked down the stairs.

"Thanks for coming, mum," Lee greeted his mum hugging her.

Despite being a grown and married man he was still a mama's boy.

Mrs. Jordan smiled, turned to her daughter-in-law and said. "You're already glowing."

"I sure don't feel like I'm glowing," Adelaine groaned.

Lee rested one of his hands on her hip while the other hand hovered over her stomach and said. "You still look quite beautiful to me, love."

"For now but wait until I'm as huge as a quaffle or even huger than that," Adelaine said.

Lee smirked and said. "You know how much I love Quidditch."

"This will help with your nauseousness," Mrs. Jordan said, handing her a potion and a box of ginger tea.

"I much prefer the tea, thanks for both though."

"I'll go make you a cup," Lee said, taking his hand from her hip and stomach, grabbing the box from his wife and walking towards the kitchen.

"Lee, I can make my own tea," Adelaine argued.

He didn't reply he just started the kettle. The group sat down at the kitchen table and began talking. The kettle hummed softly, Lee hopped up and poured some tea for his wife.


Lee grinned, dropped a kiss on her cheek and replied. "You're welcome, love." as he sat down next to her.

"So, you're about three months along?"

Adelaine nodded and said. "Yes, I am."

The two couples continued talking. Lee's parents soon left.

It was a few days later Lee and Adelaine were over Andromeda's house. Everyone knew about the pregnancy except for her.

"So, how's work going for both of you?"


Andromeda eyed her god-son and his wife suspiciously before she could respond Teddy started to cry.

"We'll get him Aunt Andie, we need the practice anyway," Lee grinned, mischievously.

Andromeda nodded and the couple walked to Teddy's room. They weren't as close to Teddy as Harry was seeing as Harry was his godfather but they were close.

"Hi buddy," Adelaine greeted the two-year-old smiling.

His hair morphed into a golden brown and his eyes morphed into a milk chocolate brown to match his honorary aunt and uncle. Adelaine picked him up. Lee smiled as he watched his wife fuss with him. She was so good with him. He couldn't wait to see her with their child. Although, deep down he was quite nervous about being a father. His musings were interrupted when Adelaine kissed his cheek.

"What you thinking about?" Adelaine asked.

"Nothing love," he said.

The couple went downstairs.

"So, you're pregnant?" Andromeda asked bluntly.

Adelaine smiled and said. "Yes, about three and a half months."

"That's great!"

"We're quite excited," Lee said smiled.

"As you should be."

Adelaine and Lee soon left.

"That was a fun night," Adelaine said as Lee helped her take off her cloak.

"It was," Lee agreed distractedly.

"Everything okay?"

Lee just nodded and kissed his wife avoiding his reservations about being a bad father and luckily Adelaine moaned at the contact signalling that she wanted him to continue.

"It won't hurt our child if I make love to you until dawn?" Lee slightly hesitated.

Adelaine shook her head and said. "I knew you would wonder that, so I asked the healer and she said..."

"What did she say?" Lee asked impatiently

Adelaine cooed seductively in his ear. "It's perfectly fine until the last months of pregnancy." She had been getting better at being seductive since being married to Lee.

"So, that's about five months away."

Adelaine nodded and said. "With all this talking about making love, I'm getting more impatient than usual."

Lee smirked, carefully picked her up and began kissing her neck leaving love bites.

"Bedroom now," Adelaine moaned against his lips.

Lee gladly obeyed, carried her up to their room and by the time he rested her gently on the bed he was shirtless and randy to say the least. He kissed down his wife's half-naked body her stomach slightly obvious. He soon discarded the rest of her clothes on the bedroom floor. The couple made passionate love until they fell asleep.

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