Holiday Hijinks

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It was now the second Hogsmeade weekend. Adelaine admitted to herself that it was not as exciting as it was the first time. Like she had predicted, the boys had ditched her to go to Zonkos while Cedric had gone to the Quidditch supply shop and Leslie had gone off to the beauty parlor.

Adelaine walked to the bookstore. The bell jingled as she walked in.

"Good Morning!" The bookkeeper greeted.

Adelaine smiled politely and said. "Good morning."

The bookkeeper smiled back as Adelaine made her way towards the books. The bookshop was quite open. It reminded her vaguely of the Hufflepuff common room - one of her favorite places in the world. She found a book, curled up in the chair and started to read, completely losing herself in an imaginary world.

"There's my bookworm best friend," Lee smirked at her.

Adelaine looked up at her best mate, blushing sheepishly and said. "I was supposed to meet you at Honeydukes. You weren't supposed to come find me."

"Yeah, but we were supposed to meet fifteen minutes ago."

"Oh, bugger," Adelaine swore.

Lee knew Adelaine only swore when it was absolutely necessary. Unlike him, Fred and George who had mouths of sailors, at least when they weren't around their mothers. Lee also tried to keep his mouth clean when he was with Adelaine, but that didn't happen most of the time.

"Come on, let's go," He said, throwing his arm around her shoulders.

Adelaine leaned into him as they walked out of the bookstore. They walked to Honeydukes and met up with Fred and George.

As a group, they walked into the candy shop; Adelaine was happy as she had quite the sweet tooth, especially for chocolate. Apart from the first time that Lee made Adelaine  laugh in their first Charms lesson, the two bonded over their love of chocolate.

"We better stock up on everything chocolate," Lee smirked at Adelaine.

She smirked back at him. "You eat most of it."

"No, you do."

Fred and George smirked at the two best friends as they stocked up with everything chocolate.

"Well, that should last us a few days," Lee smirked at Adelaine, as they walked out of the candy store.

The four of them walked to the Three Broomsticks, finding a booth and sitting down.

"So, what prank items did you buy?"

The boys poured out all the contents of their bags on the table as Adelaine looked through some of the pranks.

"So, what are you thinking?" Lee asked her, eagerly.

Adelaine thought for a moment. "I like the teacup and the hiccough drops."

"We could do both?" Lee said.

"That could work."

Lee nodded. They drank some Butterbeer before heading back to the castle.

It was now the day Adelaine was going to play the prank on Draco. She'd admit that she liked the rush of playing a prank.

"Here it goes," Fred said, slipping into the seat next to George.

Adelaine glanced over at the Slytherin table. Draco was reaching over for his teacup; he brought it up to his mouth and it bit him. He tried again and again, it bit him. The third year Slytherins were chuckling at the poor first year. He finally got some in his mouth and started hiccoughing and coughing. Adelaine saw Snape striding up to the Slytherin table and his eyes flickered towards the Gryffindor table. Adelaine figured out that it might've been a mistake to sit at the Gryffindor table next to the most notorious pranksters in the school, but what could she do?

Professor Sprout, the head of Hufflepuff, walked over to the Gryffindor table knowingly.

"Ms. Romero, did you do this?"

Adelaine nodded and immediately confessed. "Yes, I did."

"Follow me to my office." She instructed firmly.

"Alright." Adelaine said resignedly.

They walked to Professor Sprout's office with Snape following them.

"So, we both know you only play pranks on your own when someone messes with your friends. Who did Mr. Malfoy mess with?"

"I've taken Neville Longbottom under my wing of sorts and Malfoy bullied him at the Gryffindor flying lesson." Adelaine  told her Head of House.

She nodded. "I'll take away fifteen points."

Snape scoffed, "I can't believe you defended that useless fat lump. I would've taken away 30 points and given you detention."

Adelaine glared at the Potions master.

"You're excused, Ms. Romero."

She left her Head of House's office and saw Lee waiting for her.

"So, what's the verdict?"

"Just fifteen points taken away."

Lee nodded, knowing Professor Sprout would be fair, and threw his arm around her.


It was now time for Christmas at Hogwarts. It was always so nice at Hogwarts during the holidays.

Adelaine was building a snowman out in the courtyard while the boys were having a snowball fight. Fred and George were staying for Christmas since their parents were going to Romania to visit their second eldest brother, Charlie, who was a dragon breeder.

She saw professor Quirrell walking towards her with snowballs hitting his turban. Adelaine chuckled; she knew it was Fred and George's doing.

"You want to go back inside and get some hot chocolate?" Lee asked.

Adelaine said. "Let me just finish this up."


Adelaine put the finishing touches on her snowman and linked arms with Lee. Fred and George caught up with them. They got some hot chocolate in the Great Hall and sat down by the fire. Lee wrapped his arm around Adalaine.

"I love Hogwarts during Christmas," Adelaine sighed, happily cuddling closer to Lee for warmth. She's always hated the cold.

Lee smiled at his best mate.


It was now Christmas morning and Adelaine was in the Gryffindor common room after she opened presents with Cedric and Leslie. She had a few presents from her dad and wore a freshly-knitted Weasley sweater. She wasn't as close to the Weasleys as Lee was, but she was close enough that Molly made her a sweater every other year. She also received a gift from Lee's parents; unwrapping the present to reveal two American muggle books.

Lee's mum was an American muggle-born, making Lee half-American and half-British. One thing she shared with Mrs. Jordan was that the two women both loved to read.

"So, I guess we're not going to see you for a while," Lee smirked at his best friend, referring to the books in her hands.

Adelaine blushed and whacked her best mate on the arm with one of her books playfully.

"Ouch, no abuse on Christmas," Lee laughed, fending off his best mate.

Adelaine smiled innocently at him.


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