Untitled Part 29

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After she finished her shower, she noticed Lee was up. He was still shirtless not that she particularly minded.

"Let me give you a proper good morning kiss, love," He said, kissing her briefly after he finished brushing his teeth.

She grinned into the kiss. She was so happy with him. The couple separated.

"When did you get abs?" Adelaine smirked at her boyfriend.

Lee blushed and said. "I've been working out a little with Fred and George."

"Is that a blush, Paddy?" Adelaine smiled at her boyfriend's blush. He rarely blushed.

"You're the only one who has the power to make me blush, Izzy," Lee smiled.

Adelaine smiled. Izzy was short for her middle name Isabel. They were like their secret nicknames for each other.

Lee finished getting dressed and they walked down the stairs to eat breakfast. They ate and talked with Lee's parents.

It was later that day, Adelaine and Lee were in his room. Lee was strumming on his guitar. Fred and George didn't even know that he played guitar only Adelaine did. Adelaine had her legs stretched out next to him.

"You know if either one of us could sing we would make a great duo," She said.

Lee smirked cockily at her and said. "Speak for yourself, love."

"Oh, do you now," She smirked back.

Lee's bravado was broken. He was never lacking in the confidence department but there was something about Adelaine that made all that confidence melt away causing him to act like a complete and utter fool around her. He was lost in his musings until she kissed his cheek.

"Huh, what?" he asked, distractedly turning to his girlfriend.

She smiled and said. "What were you thinking about?"

"Just how you seem to make all my confidence that I have plenty of fade away."

"Is that a good thing?"

Lee smiled and said. "I assure you it's good, love."

"I suppose you did the opposite for me, you brought me out of my shell although I have a different type of confidence that you have."

Lee smiled. Adelaine stayed the rest of the day and then went home.

Adelaine continued getting unwanted advances from Jeremy. He's even smacked her bum a few times.

"If you don't stop bothering me, I'll bloody hex you to oblivion." Adelaine snarled at him.

He smirked and said."You're bloody hot when you're mad! And I know you're underage so you use magic outside of school."


He didn't reply he just stroked her cheek like Lee would usually do and before she had the chance to react he captured her lips in his.

"Breaking News!" One of the reporters exclaimed rushing in before Adelaine could slap Jeremy to next week.

"What's going on?"

The reporter took a long breath and said. "There was a death eater attack at the Quidditch World Cup."

Adelaine had quite a lot of emotions running through her veins. She was angry at Jeremy, she felt dirty and she was insanely worried about Lee, Cedric and the Weasleys.

"I should go," Adelaine said, urgently.

She would usually take the Knight Bus home but she decided to Floo over to Lee's instead. They had a few fireplaces in the building used for the Floo network.

"Adelaine, what are you doing here?" Mrs. Jordan asked happily surprised to her son's best friend and girlfriend arrive.

"Hi Mrs - I mean Rita. There's been an attack at the Quidditch World Cup," She said, breathlessly.

"There has?"

Adelaine nodded wordlessly.

"I hope the boys are okay," She said.

Adelaine nodded again and said. "I hope so too."

"Stay here until they come back, I've been quite lonely."


The two women did what they normally do when their men are gone even though they aren't usually those types of girls.

It was now the next day. They were drinking tea.

"We're back!" Lee called.

The two women rushed to greet their respective significant others their cups of tea completely forgotten. Although Adelaine's greeting for Lee wasn't as enthusiastic as usual and he noticed instantly.

After a dramatic scene like this she would practically throw herself in his arms but the hug was quite subdued. She didn't allow him to kiss her either.

"I'm really glad you're okay, Lee," she said.


After a few minutes she left.

It was later that night Lee was in bed. He was already quite worried about his beloved girlfriend. Maybe in a few days he'll Floo over Cedric's or something. He couldn't ask the twins for advice on Adelaine since they didn't know her as well as he or Cedric did.

It was a few days later and he Flooed over Cedric's. He lived in the same village as Fred and George did. The brown haired Hufflepuff was shocked to his honorary sister's boyfriend arrive to say the least.

"Cedric, can we talk for a second?" he asked.

He nodded and they walked up to his room.

"I'm worried about Lainey -er - I mean Adelaine," Lee said, bluntly.

Cedric nodded and said. "Me too, I half-expected to get a letter from her to see if I was okay after the incident at the Quidditch World Cup but she didn't send one."

"Yeah, I expected to be practically cuddled to death but she wouldn't even let me kiss her or anything like that."

Cedric cringed slightly at the thought and said. "Has she been enjoying her internship?"

"Yes, she's made friends with one of the other interns, Chance."

Cedric nodded and said. "Maybe something to do with him."

"I'm not worried about him at all, actually. I trust him around her since he doesn't swing that way."

Cedric nodded again and asked. "What about the other intern?"

"That intern was a girl so that can't explain why she is being romantically closed off from me and just plain distant from you," Lee said worriedly.

"Was she this way before you went to the Quidditch World Cup?"

Lee shook his head.

It was now time to board the train. Adelaine was still being distant towards Lee and Cedric.

"You ready for the prefects meeting, Adelaine?" Cedric asked her carefully after they had finished getting settled.

Adelaine nodded numbly and left for the prefect's meeting.

Diamond was lying on the seat next to Lee. He petted her softly and she licked his hand with her rough tongue. He was quite fond of his girlfriend's cat. Diamond actually got along with Taffy pretty well. It was like seeing Adelaine and himself in animal form in a sense.

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