Untitled Part 24

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It was now early January and to say Lee was excited that Adelaine was coming back would be an understatement he was ecstatic. Currently, he was waiting by the door for her. The door opened and the other students who had went home for Christmas walked in. He didn't see Adelaine anywhere.

"Lee?" Adelaine's soft voice, asked.

He jumped slightly and said. "Bloody hell, love. You scared me."

"Sorry," She smiled, innocently.

He didn't respond he just wrapped his arms around her and said. "Bloody hell, I've missed you."

"I missed you too."

The couple broke apart.

"So, did you take care of Diamond?"

Lee nodded in response and said. " Yes, and I'm sure she missed you just as much as I did."

"In that case, I'll go see her."

"Alright," Lee said letting go of her reluctantly, taking her hand and leading her to the Gryffindor common room.

They walked in on Fred and Angelina snogging rather passionately.

"Take that up to our dorm, mate," Lee laughed.

The couple pulled apart. Angelina was a lot more embarrassed than Fred that was obvious because a blush as red as her boyfriend's hair was covering her dark features.

"Adelaine's back!" Lee announced, happily.

Angelina rushed to hug her friend. The two girls separated.

Adelaine glanced around for Diamond. She found her sleeping soundly by the fire. Adelaine sat down on the couch next to her boyfriend.

"Oh, you have presents from my mum and a little something from me," Lee said.

Adelaine asked. "You got me something for Christmas?"

"Yes, I did. I know I've never bought you anything for Christmas before," Adelaine cut off her boyfriend with a kiss.

Merlin, he's missed the way it felt the way to kiss her and she's only been gone for about two weeks. A pillow hit the couple as the kiss deepened slightly.

"I'll tell you what you just told us, take that up to our dorm," Fred laughed.

Adelaine opened the presents again she received books from Mrs. Jordan. She was quite surprised at Lee's gift. It was a bookmark and a collar for Diamond. She was expecting a joke product not

"You like it?" Lee asked, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

Adelaine smiled at him.

"I noticed you've needed a new bookmark for ages," Lee smiled.

The bookmark was a rough red leather bookmark that will last many books. The collar was black with red rubies.

"Lee you didn't need to spend this much on me or my cat," Adelaine blushed.

He chuckled and said. "Don't worry about it, love. She might as well be my cat anyway."

Before Adelaine could respond Diamond jumped up on the scarlet couch next to her owner and started to purr loudly.

"Hey girl," Adelaine greeted her cat.

It was now Adelaine and Lee's first Valentine's Day as a couple neither one of them liked Madame Pudifoots but they were forced to go there because they were on a double date with Leslie and her boyfriend Damon.

"Well, that was horrible." Lee whispered to Adelaine as he took her hand.

Adelaine smacked him at his comment but that didn't mean she didn't agree. They walked back to Hogwarts.

Adelaine was offered the opportunity to have an internship at 'The Daily Prophet'. She's dreamed about working at the Prophet. She knew she had to work hard for it. So, she didn't spend lots of time with Lee after Valentine's Day.

Although, there's been something else that's been bothering her. The comments she's been hearing about her relationship with Lee.

Lee was worried why his girlfriend was suddenly acting distant with him. He knew she was working hard to get the internship, like she dreamed. She wasn't mad at him was she? He hadn't missed any special dates, they had spent Valentine's Day together. This must've been what she felt like last year. He needed a girl's perspective namely his mum's and possibly Angelina's. He decided to write his mum.

Dearest Mum,

Hogwarts is going well but I'm worried about Lainey. She's been slightly distant with me lately. I know she's been working hard on getting that internship and not to mention O. but I sense those are not the only reasons. She felt obligated to see her grandparents over Christmas and she doesn't get along with them very well. Please give me advice, mum. I'm desperate here.

Your loving son,


He finished the letter, walked down to the Owlery,  sent it and walked back to the castle.

Mrs. Jordan received the letter a few days later.

"What does the letter say, love?" Mr. Jordan asked.

She shook her head and said. "He's worried about Adelaine."

"What seems to be wrong?"

"She's being distant with him."

Mr. Jordan nodded and said. "O.W.Ls are coming up."

"He mentioned that."

Mr. Jordan nodded. Mrs. Jordan gave him the best advice she could and sent the letter back.

Lee received the letter a few days later. The advice helped a little but he was still completely worried. He guessed it was time to get Angelina's perspective.

Although she was quite busy since Oliver had them training extra hard for the last game of the season since it was for the Quidditch Cup. The non-Quidditch team members had O.W.Ls to be concerned about.

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