Untitled Part 48

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It was a few days later, Lee was working at the shop but he seemed a lot more distracted. He was putting products in the wrong places and staring off into space. Just like he acted when he was helping Adelaine work through her sexual harassment.

"So, is something wrong?" George asked.

Lee shrugged and said. "No."

"We know you're lying."

He sighed, took out the ring that Adelaine had given back to him and put it on the table in front of them.

"Isn't this Adelaine's engagement ring?" George asked.

"Was," Lee corrected, sadly.

"We take it your reunion didn't go well, Fred said, standing next to his brother.

Lee sighed and said. "It was going quite well actually until we started snogging."

"Did she not enjoy the snog?"

Lee shook his head and said. "She was enjoying it, trust me." He clearly remembered her letting a few soft moans escape her beautiful lips especially when he was rubbing the skin under her shirt.

"Then why did she give you back your ring?"

"I realize now that what I said may have pushed a button."

"What did you say?"

"I said that I couldn't wait until we're married so we can actually make love for real instead of just snogging passionately."

Fred and George nodded.

"Then she accused me of not being the same guy that suggested we tone down the displays of affection back in our sixth year after she was sexually harassed."

George thought for a moment and said. "Maybe that comment made her think of those incidents."

"How is it that single one that thought of that?" Fred smirked at his twin.

George smacked his twin on the arm.

"You know that's probably not a bad assumption, George," Lee said, pocketing the ring.

There was still hope.


It was a few days later, Adelaine was called into McGonagall's office.

"Hello, Ms. Romero."

"Hello professor."

"Please sit."

Adelaine sat down.

"So, it looks like you have a letter from the Ministry."

Adelaine looked up at the headmistress and asked. "I do?"

"Yes," she said handing her the letter.

Adelaine opened the letter.

It was summoning her to the courts a few days after Christmas to testify against Jeremy. She needed closure and she was getting it or at least hopefully. She could face him in court after almost two years. It took them long enough after she reported it.

"Ms. Romero?" McGonagall asked.

Adelaine looked up at the Deputy Headmistress and asked. "Yes?"

"Everything okay?"

"I need to go to court to testify."


Adelaine gulped and said. "I was sexually harassed when I interned at the Prophet the summer before sixth year."

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