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Adelaine was sitting at the Gryffindor table later that day while Oliver, Fred and George were talking animatedly to Harry about Quidditch. Apparently, he was made seeker on the Gryffindor team.

She couldn't help but let her mind wander to why Neville was in the hospital wing. She was growing quite fond of the shy and unconfident Gryffindor boy. She likes people who remind her of herself. Don't judge her!

"Hermione?" She asked the younger brunette.


"Do know why Neville was in the hospital wing?"

Hermione nodded and informed the older girl. "Yes, he fell off his broom during our flying lesson and broke his wrist."

"Okay, I was worried about him."

Hermione nodded and said, "Malfoy started to make fun of him after he was taken to the hospital wing but a few of us defended him."

"That was nice of you."

Hermione smiled. Adelaine shared a look with Lee. It was a rare point in time where Adelaine got that look in her eye but when she did you better watch out.


"What's on your mind for a prank?" Lee smirked at his best friend as they walked out of the Great Hall.

Adelaine looked at Lee innocently and asked. "Who says I want to prank?"

"Don't play the innocent act with me, I know you too well," Lee said.

"I'll think about it and tell you but nothing too harsh he's just a first year. A horrible first year but a first year none the less."

Lee nodded.


It was now Halloween. Adelaine heard soft sobbing in the bathroom as she washed her hands from a messy Herbology lesson.

"Somebody there?" Adelaine asked.

There was no answer. Adelaine opened the nearest stall and saw a head of bushy brown hair.


The younger girl looked up at her tears dripping out of her brown eyes.

"What happen?" She asked her.

"Ron called me an insufferable know-it-all." She sobbed.

Adelaine sighed.

"You don't have to stay and comfort me, I know you have better things to do." Hermione said.

Adelaine looked at the younger girl, sighed again and said, "Okay." She said giving in.

Adelaine left the bathroom.


She began walking to the Great Hall for the Halloween feast

A familiar arm wrapped around her shoulders. She looked over to see Lee grinning at her; that grin could always cheer her up especially those dimples.

"Something wrong?"

Adelaine sighed and said. "I found Hermione crying in the bathroom."

They shrugged.

"Fred, George you really should teach Ron some manners," Adelaine said, frustrated looking at the twin gingers.

"What did he do?" George asked said shaking his head.

Adelaine sighed and said. "He called Hermione an insufferable know-it-all."

Adelaine was quite sensitive to that word since she was called a know-it-all by Elaine Flint in her first year. Hermione didn't have anyone to defend her like Adelaine had Tonks who was her former house mate and despite being five years older they hung out every in while. She had been surprised how much time Tonks had spent time with her.

George shook his head and said. "He's always had no tact, you know that Adelaine."

"I see myself in Hermione although I'm probably a lot more laid-back when it comes to marks since I procrastinate like no other." Adelaine chuckled.

"You're still a teacher's pet." Lee smirked at her.

Adelaine elbowed him in the side.


They reached the Great Hall. Adelaine sat at the Hufflepuff table. She kept glancing at the door worriedly looking for Hermione.

"Looking for someone?" Leslie asked.

Delaney shook her head not wanting to mention Hermione since Leslie wouldn't understand like Lee did. The door burst open but it was just an Indian girl she didn't recognize. About twenty minutes later Professor Quirrell rushed in.

"Troll in the dungeon!" He exclaimed crumpling pathetically to the floor.

"Perfects, take your houses to the common room." Dumbledore instructed.

Percy was in his element as he started to lead the Gryffindors to the common room.

"You're coming with us, Lainey." Lee said.

He knew the Hufflepuff common room was close to the dungeon and he wanted Adelaine to be safe. Adelaine's eyes flickered to Percy nervously.

"I don't care what bloody Percy says, I just want you to be safe." He said fear in his brown eyes.

Adelaine sighed there was no arguing with Lee. He's so stubborn sometimes but so was she.

"Come on, Adelaine ." Lee said.

Adelaine rushed to the Gryffindor common room with Lee and the twins. Percy didn't notice until they reached the common room.

"What's the Hufflepuff doing here, she should be in her common room?"

Adelaine finally snapped and said. "I have a bloody name Weasley, so stop calling me 'the Hufflepuff' although I'm a proud Hufflepuff."

Fred and George smirked at how scared their elder brother looked at their friend's fury.

She did have the temper that rivaled a Gryffindor when you pushed her too far; which they knew all to well. Only Lee knew that she had been a short hat-stall between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor.

Before Percy could argue back McGonagall walked in with Hermione, Ron and Harry. The twins rushed to hug their brother thankful that he was okay.

"So, now that everyone is safe I think the Huffle- I mean Adelaine should get back to her common room." Percy said.

Adelaine nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, I should."

"Let me walk you back." Lee said.

Adelaine nodded not having the energy to disagree. Lee accompanied Adelaine back to the Hufflepuff common room.

"It seems like we'll have an interesting year." Adelaine said.

Lee nodded as they reached her common room.

"Good night." Adelaine said hugging her best friend.


Adelaine tapped the barrel and crawled in she was instantly greeted by a relieved Leslie and Cedric.

"Im going to guess that Lee talked you into going to the Gryffindor Common Room?" Cedric asked, knowing the dreadlocked boy well.

"Yes, he did."

Cedric nodded as the Prefect Gabriel Truman walked up to them and said. "Well, Romero, you gave these two quite the scare but I'm quite glad that you're okay. But I bet Weasley didn't like that you were there one bit."
Adelaine chuckled and said." Yes, Percy was livid being the stickler for rules he is."
"Weren't you the same?"
"Slightly but I relaxed once I befriend Lee and Tonks and by association the twins."
The group nodded and this reminded Adelaine that she should write Tonks soon.

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