Untitled Part 31

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It was a few days later and Adelaine was ready to tell George about her predicament. She was pacing the ground at the usual spot that she would meet Lee and George.

"Hey love."

Adelaine turned and smiled at her boyfriend of almost a year and a half and their mutual friend.

"So, what's wrong Adelaine?" George asked his friend.

Adelaine sighed sadly and said. "I'm sure Lee told you that I had an internship with the Prophet during the summer."

"You're kidding right, he bragged about it every chance he got. He was so bloody proud," George smirked.

"Is that true, Lee?" Adelaine asked, blushing modestly.

"Of course, love," He smiled at her reaching for her hand but then remembering their deal.

"Go ahead, Lee," Adelaine whispered to him.

She didn't have to tell him twice. He missed holding her hand so much.

"One of the cameramen, Jeremy started to make passes at me even when I told him I was happily taken. When Lee came to tell me that he was going to the Quidditch World Cup, I allowed our kiss to get a lot more passionate then it usually does in public."

George smirked and said. "That's a little too much information, you two."

"I thought that would stop his advances but I was bloody naive in thinking that. Right before we found out about the attack at the Quidditch World Cup. I threatened to hex him if he didn't leave me alone but sadly he knew I was underage and I would get in trouble. He then had the audacity to kiss me. After I told Lee, we agreed to tone down on the affection until I was ready."

"That bloody bastard, how dare he take advantage of you!" George exclaimed angrily.

He imagined how it would be if it was Ginny in this situation.

Lee nodded and said. "I know, I've been planning a way to get him back and not to mess with the woman I love. That's why I've been distracted and tossing and turning."

Adelaine blushed again at Lee's comment.

Lee smiled and tightened his grip on Adelaine's hand.

"Is it okay to hug you?" George asked.

Adelaine smiled at her ginger friend and said. "Knock yourself out, Weasley."

"I've done that plenty of times in Qudditch," George laughed.

Adelaine giggled at her friend's remark. Lee really missed hearing her laugh. He was slightly envious that it was George who made her laugh first and not him.

It was now time for dinner. Adelaine was sitting at the Gryffindor table and Fred kept sending her very intense glares every chance he got.

"Why is Fred glaring at you, Adelaine?" Angelina asked, curious why her boyfriend was glaring at one of her best friends.

"It's a long story Ang," Adelaine sighed.

Before Angelina could respond, Dumbledore introduced Rita Skeeter and that all too familiar brunette. Adelaine tensed slightly next to Lee.

"What's wrong, love?" Lee asked.

"He's here," Adelaine whispered.

Lee glanced at the man. So, that's the bastard that took advantage of his precious Lainey. He's on their turf now.

It was now later that night, Adelaine was having a girl's night with Angelina and Alicia.

"So, why was Fred glaring at you?" Angelina asked, Adelaine bluntly.

Adelaine sighed again.

"I noticed that too," Alicia said.

"He's convinced that I'm cheating on Lee with Cedric," Adelaine said.

Alicia who was the most vocal about her crush on Cedric out of the two single chasers responded first. "I've always envied your friendship with Cedric since our first year, I would do anything to be that close with him," she sighed dreamily.

"Cedric's always been like an annoying older brother to me," Adelaine giggled and continued. "That reminds me, I've been meaning to give Cho the 'hurt him, I'll hurt you talk'."

"I'm sure he can take care of himself especially with those muscles," Alicia sighed, dreamily again.

Adelaine rolled her eyes, threw a pillow at the black haired witch and said. "That's gross, you're talking about Cedric here, who's my brother in all but blood."

"Let's get back on the topic here, girls," Angelina said.

The two younger witches stopped.

"Why does Fred think you're cheating on Lee?"

Adelaine sighed and said, "Because we haven't been as affectionate lately."

"So, I noticed that you two aren't affectionate either."

Tears started to well up in Adelaine's eyes but she bit back and said. "I'm completely head over feet for Lee, I would never bloody cheat on him."

The girls knew Adelaine only swore when she was either angry or passionate about something. And they know she's passionate about Lee.

"It was my internship that started it."

The two older witches comforted their mutual friend's girlfriend as she told them the story.

"I'll talk to Fred tomorrow."

Alicia smirked at Angelina and said. "More like yell at him."

"Thanks, Ang," Adelaine sniffled.

She was quite tired after crying her heart out.

Angelina smiled and said. "Don't worry about it, now get some sleep."

Adelaine fell asleep. The other two witches soon followed.

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