Match Making

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Adelaine was dragged to a Dueling Club meeting by Leslie a few days later. The original duelers were Neville and a Hufflepuff second year Justin Finch-Fletchley.

"Longbottom, really. I shall suggest someone from my own house. Malfoy!" Snape said.

Neville looked quite relieved but Delaney glared at the Potions master. Harry was put in place of Justin. Well, this is a recipe for disaster. The arch-rivals started shouting spells at each other. Draco casted a spell that conjured a snake. Adelaine had always been afraid of snakes so she cringed slightly. She snuck out of the Dueling Club trying not to faint.

"Lainey?" Lee's voice, laced with concern for his best friend asked.

She looked up at her best friend he was slightly blurry in her vision. He didn't respond he just took her to the hospital wing.

"So, what happened at the Dueling Club?" Lee questioned, sitting next to her as she drank her calming draught.

She sighed, leaned against him, he wrapped his arm around her and she said. "Harry and Draco were dueling and Draco casted a spell that conjured a snake. And you know how I am when it comes to snakes."

"You've been scared of snakes since you were eight," Lee stated, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Adelaine giggled. Lee may not be the sharpest guy in the room but when it came to facts about her he knew practically everything about her.


It was now Lee's birthday, Adelaine did her usual routine of waking him up at seven am and then falling asleep next to him for another few hours. Though in the back of her mind she was still worried about Leslie.

"Something on your mind, Lainey?" Lee asked.

"No, I don't want to ruin your birthday," She told him.

Lee nodded dropping the subject. He knew Adelaine would tell him sooner or later.


It was now about a week later. Adalaine noticed Leslie writing in a diary. She's known her for two years and she's never kept a diary. Delaney's more the type to keep a journal or diary but she would always forget to write in it.

"Leslie, where did you get this diary?" Adelaine asked.

She looked up from the page and answered. "Somebody gave it to me."


She shrugged and said. "I don't know I didn't recognize him but he had long blonde hair."

"Alright." She replied. She didn't recognize the description of the man either.

Leslie nodded and said, "I've been writing in it for awhile."


Adelaine and Lee were out by the lake. Lee was chattering away while Adelaine was just staring out into the water pensively.

"Lainey?" Lee asked, poking Adelaine to get her attention.

"Huh?" She asked, turning to her best friend.

"There's something on your mind again, isn't there?" He asked.

Adelaine nodded, started to play with a blade of grass and said. "I'm very worried about Leslie. She hasn't been herself lately."

"What seems to be wrong?" He asked.

He didn't really know the girl well but he knew Adelaine was quite close with her.

"I don't really know, I notice she's not really outgoing anymore. She's kind of shy and withdrawn when she's usually outgoing and boisterous," Adelaine said, worriedly.

Lee nodded and said. "Maybe her dad is sick or something," he offered helpfully.

"That could be it."

Lee nodded again.


Adelaine continued watching Leslie. Adelaine was still on a mission to find out what's wrong but Lee would drag her out of the library every day for dinner.

"She's finally out of the library!" Lee exclaimed as they sat at the Gryffindor table about a week before Christmas.

Adelaine didn't have the energy or patience to snap back at her best friend. Especially when she saw the food and realized how right he was. She piled her plate with all the food and started to dig in. Lee couldn't help but laugh. He missed the twins smirk at each other.

"Well, I should get back to the library," Adelaine said.

"Come with us instead," Lee said, an almost pleading tone in his voice.

Adelaine locked eyes with him and saw the look in his eyes. She just nodded in agreement. She had no idea what they were going to do. They started to walk around the castle.

"So, you and Oliver have been making eyes at each other for how long now?" Lee smirked at his best friend.

"It will be two years next month, why?"

Lee nodded and said. "I think it's about time you make a move."

"You know how I am with the matters of the heart, Lee," Adelaine sighed, looking down at her feet as she walked.

"Oliver would be crazy if he passed up a chance to be with you," Lee encouraged his best friend, earnestly.

A blush crept up on Adelaine's face as she looked away.

"Besides he needs something to distract him now that Quidditch has been cancelled," He chuckled, running his fingers through his dreadlocks.

Adelaine nodded, thought for a moment and said. "I'll talk to him after the holidays, okay?"

"You know I just want you to be happy," He said, throwing an arm around her.

Adelaine smiled and said. "I know."

"So, you promise you'll talk to him after the holidays?"

"I promise."

Lee nodded.

"What about you, you've nursed a crush on Alicia for almost as long," Lee cut her off, quickly.

"That ship sailed ages ago, Lainey, I assure you."

Adelaine nodded. He had never told her what happened with Alicia last summer. He didn't want to ruin the friendship between the two girls just over a little crush. It's just him being noble again.

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