Untitled Part 32

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The next morning, Adelaine was the first one to wake up. She got up and went to go take a shower. As she got out of the shower, Angie woke up. She got dressed and waited for her friends to get up and get dressed. The girls walked down stairs. The boys weren't up yet but Adelaine noticed Ginny was up.

"Good, I wasn't quite ready to yell at Fred," Angelina said, sitting down on the couch.

Before one of the girls could respond Lee walked down the stairs. He slipped in between Adelaine and Alicia and took Adelaine's hand.

"Morning Lee," she smiled.

He grinned that dimpled grin at her and responded. "Good morning, love."

Oh, that grin that made her heart flutter uncontrollably and she resisted the urge to melt.

"Have you been crying?" Lee asked, noticing the dried tears on his girlfriend's cheeks.

He resisted the urge to caress her cheek.

Adelaine nodded and said. "I sort of cried myself to sleep last night."

Lee glanced between Angelina and Alicia and asked. "So, I suppose she told you what happened at her internship."

"She told us. She also told us how Fred thinks she's cheating on you."

Lee sighed and said. "Yes, he does. He hasn't talked to me since the incident. George has become our middleman."

"You of all people should know how pigheaded Fred can be, you've been friends with him longer than I have," Angelina sighed.

"Should I feel guilty about this?" Adelaine asked.

Honestly, she did feel guilty no matter what Lee's response would be.

Lee glanced over at his girlfriend and said. "Of course not, love."

She's blaming herself a lot lately. Fred's just being an unreasonable git. Before Adelaine could respond Fred and George walked down the stairs.

"Frederic Gideon Weasley!" Angelina yelled.

The ginger in question smirked at his girlfriend and said. "What's going on?"

"How dare you accuse Adelaine of cheating on Lee!"

"She is and probably with Diggory."

Adelaine usually has a slow fuse but this is the last straw and yelled at the ginger. "Cedric is my brother in all but blood, he knows what I'm going through."

"I'm sure you told him and he took advantage of you in that state."

Adelaine had her best McGonagall glare and exclaimed. "How dare you accuse Cedric of taking advantage of me! He's a gentleman unlike the bloody cameraman who bloody sexually harassed me at the Prophet during my internship, you insensitive prat! Lee and Cedric have been helping me through it being the good boyfriend and honorary brother they are."

Fred looked gobsmacked at the confession and said. "I'm sorry I was a git," he apologized as his eyes flickered over to Ginny.

He imagined how he would feel if it was her in this position

"You can say that again!" Lee snapped.

Fred didn't respond he just hugged his dreadlocked friend and his girlfriend.

"We get that you're sorry, Fred. Now let us breathe," Lee chuckled.

Fred's ears turned pink in embarrassment.

"Well, after that love fest we should get to breakfast," Alicia giggled.

The others nodded in agreement and they left the common room. They reached the Great Hall and sat down. Adelaine was absolutely starving.

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