Untitled Part 39

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It was now time to board the train. Adelaine got settled in her compartment and said goodbye to Lee and went to the prefect's meeting.

She noticed Hermione had gotten prefect for Gryffindor but she was quite surprised to see Ron was the male prefect for Gryffindor. They had to replace Cedric with Katie's date for the Yule Ball, Cory.

Cory was a tow headed boy with hazel eyes. He had a muscular build but he was quite short at least short compared to Adelaine.

They did their rounds.

Adelaine went back to her compartment and sat next to Lee who in turn wrapped his arm around her.

"So, Hermione is the female prefect for Gryffindor but I'm surprised that Ron was the male prefect."

Fred commented. "Mum wouldn't shut up about it when he got his letter."

"Don't get us wrong, we're proud of him but now we're the only ones who weren't prefects though being a prefect does take some of the fun out of life," George smirked at his friend.

"I've let you get away with a few minor things, thanks to Lee and those puppy dog eyes," Adelaine sighed.

Lee blushed at his girlfriend's comment. They continued riding to Hogsmeade and took the carriages to Hogwarts.

Like every year, they had a new Defense teacher her name was Dolores Umbridge. Not only did she wear Adelaine's least favorite color pink and her voice was so annoying but those would be the least of everyone's worries.

It was now the first defense lesson. Thankfully, Adelaine had the class with the Gryffindors so Lee greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

"I'd appreciate that you wouldn't show affection in my classroom," Umbridge tutted.

Lee took his seat next to Adelaine. The rest of the class filed in.

Umbridge said her whole spiel, Adelaine was this close to walking out or hexing her. Lee was holding her hand under the table trying to calm her down he knew she usually had a very slow fuse but when you mention Cedric's murder in such a manner especially mere months after his murder.

Although, he was rather close to walking out as well. This is one of his favorite subjects, it's not one of his best but he still loved it.

The class ended not soon enough for Adelaine.

"Merlin, that was worse then History of Magic," Lee said, wrapping his arm around Adelaine trying to calm her down.

"Tell me about it, how dare she talk about Cedric's death in that manner," Adalaine said fiercely.

Fred glanced at Lee and asked. "Do you realize how scary your girlfriend is when she's angry?"

"That's old news, Weasley!" Adelaine snapped.

The twins flinched slightly reminded of how their mum was when she was angry.

It was now the first Hogsmeade weekend, everyone was meeting at the Hogs Head for some reason.

"I wonder why Harry is having us meet here."

Lee shrugged and said. "I don't know, love."

They walked into the Hogs Head. It was quite full.

"Uhm, hi, you all know why we're here. We need a teacher. A proper teacher. One who's had real experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts," Hermione said, nervously.

"I've defeated the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets," he said, glancing at Adelaine and Leslie briefly then continuing. "I can cast a corporal patronus and I won the tournament and I dueled Voldemort."

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