Untitled Part 37

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It was now Adelaine and Lee's two year anniversary. Sadly, Adelaine didn't get to spend much time with him because he had detention for playing a prank on Jeremy getting him back for what he did to her.

Currently, she was waiting for him to get out of said detention. She was reading one of the books his mum had bought her to pass the time. She had been waiting for an hour or so now.

"I'm free!" Lee exclaimed happily walking out of the room.

Adelaine closed her book and smiled up at her boyfriend.

"Hey love." he greeted sitting next to her and taking her hand.

She smiled.

"I know we didn't get to spend lots of time of together for our anniversary since I had detention." he sighed, caressing her fingers with his thumb softly.

"Don't worry about it, that's what I get for falling madly in love with a prankster," Adelaine told him.

He smiled and gave her a quick kiss.

"Oi!, Adelaine it's time for our rounds!" Cedric smirked, playfully at his honorary sister and her boyfriend.

Adelaine pulled apart from Lee and said. "Well, duty calls."

"Okay, love."

Cedric and Adelaine started to do their rounds.


It was now late June and time for the last task. This task was a maze.

"Good luck, Ced," Adelaine said, hugging her honorary brother.


Cho gave him a quick kiss. Adelaine couldn't help but smile she really liked them together. The two girls went up to the stands before the task started. The whistle went off and they went in one by one.

"And now we wait," Adelaine sighed, nervously.

Lee took her in his arms and kissed her forehead in reassurance. She buried her head into his chest.

Fleur and Viktor came out subsequently. Now, they just need Harry and Cedric. Nobody expected what was coming. Harry appeared.

There was cheering until they noticed he was lying over Cedric's body.

"That's my son!" Amos yelled, running down towards his son's dead body.

Adelaine couldn't move she was completely frozen in Lee's arms tears steadily falling out of her eyes and onto Lee's shirt. Cho was on the other side of the pitch sobbing her eyes out. Lee tried in vain to comfort his inconsolable girlfriend. She had just lost her brother in all but blood. He was heartbroken as well. Voldemort was back.

"Can I sleep in your dorm, tonight?" Adelaine asked numbly, once they reached the Fat Lady.

"Anything you want, love."

Adelaine nodded. She cried herself to sleep in Lee's arms that night.

The next morning, she woke up Lee's arms still wrapped around her like he didn't want to let her go. Not that she particularly cared though.

"Morning love," he whispered, softly.

"Morning, was last night a dream? Am I going to see Cedric when I go back to my common room?"

Lee sighed sadly and said. "As much as I wish it was, it wasn't." he said, kissing her forehead.

His heart ached for his girlfriend.

"Oh, bugger," she swore.

He stroked her cheek and wiped away a stray tear that had fallen out of her eye.

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