2005 - Part 2

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WC: 1,002

Adelaine woke up with Lee's hand resting protectively over her stomach. She admired the lemur tattoo on his hip. He had tried to convince her to get a tattoo of his patronus over the years but she's always resisted. His tattoo despite it being almost ten years old it looked like new.

"Admiring my still sexy tattoo?" Lee smirked at his wife opening his eyes.

"Who said it's still sexy," she joked.

He rubbed his hip and said. "You did, when we were making love last night."

Adelaine smirked and kissed her husband briefly.

"Are you in the mood for a little escapade in the shower before we go pick up Ari?" Lee asked.

"Can't you get enough of me," Adelaine giggled.

"Never, love. This is how you ended up knocked up so soon into our marriage," Lee said casually.

Though it's been nearly ten years since her miscarriage she will never get over it.

"Me and my big mouth, sorry," Lee apologized realizing what he had just said.

Adelaine just got out of bed without a reply.

Lee followed a few seconds later, wrapped his arms around his wife kissing her cheek and said. "I'm a daft idiot sometimes."

"Don't call the man I married a daft idiot and besides you're my daft idiot. I love you." Adelaine said smiling at him.

Lee replied. "Don't let me forget that, I love you too." his hand drifted down to her stomach briefly.

"Do you want to make breakfast first or have that little escapade in the shower?" Adelaine smirked.

Lee didn't respond he just dropped his arms from his wife, took her hand and led her to the shower. They made passionate love in the shower. After that little escapade Lee made some breakfast for them and they Flooed over Lee's parents.

"Daddy!" Ari yelled running up to Lee.

He grinned and said. "Hey sweetie."

"Did she behave, Rita?"

"What do you think, she's just as mischievous as Lee."

Adelaine chuckled and said. "Well, it was worth a shot." She glanced over at her husband who was blowing circles on their daughter's stomach as she laughed hysterically.

"So, how was the party?"

"It was nice seeing all our old friends," Adelaine said sitting down on the couch.

Lee sat down next to her their daughter on his lap and wrapped his arm around her. The couple soon Flooed home with their daughter.


"Yes, sweetie?"

"What are those scars on your wrist?" she asked inquisitively again.

As mischievous as she is she's just as curious. Those two traits are a deadly combination. Lee froze in his place.


"Adelaine!" he called for his wife.


Lee paced around trying to figure out a way to tell his daughter about his scars. Adelaine waddled in as fast as her stomach would allow her to see her husband pacing.

"Did I do something wrong, why is daddy doing that?"

Adelaine said. "It's nothing you did, sweetie."

Ariana sighed in relief as Adelaine took Lee's hand to calm him down. In response he brought his hand up to her stomach and instantly relaxed.

"I'm sorry I scared you, sweetie," Lee apologized to his daughter.

"It's okay, I'm a big girl."

Lee looked over at his wife and she nodded. "Can you handle what I'm going to tell you?"

"I think so."

Lee sat next to his daughter and Adelaine sat on the other side of him.

"It was our last year at Hogwarts, we had this horrible Defense teacher named Professor Umbridge. I spoke against her and she made me write these lines," Lee said cringing at the memory.

"Did mummy know?"

Lee glanced at his wife and said. "Not at first I was quite distant with her and Uncle George until they got me cornered in our head of house's office. I didn't know how to express my feelings. I mean I could wear my heart on my sleeve with your mum but not so much with Uncle George. I eventually told them. Like always Uncle George was already planning a prank while your mum could tell I was just putting up a front."

"That front came down a few days later when I found your dad sobbing in the Owlery."

Lee smirked at his wife and said. "Well, that was the end of my reputation of being an easy-going nothing bothers me type."

"Although, I love your easy-going nothing bothers me side. I couldn't help but be attracted even more to your calm, sensitive side."

Lee smiled at his wife.

Ariana crawled over to her dad and kissed the scars on his hand and said. "Do they hurt anymore daddy?"

"They feel better, sweetie," Lee grinned at his daughter.

Ariana grinned back at her dad, jumped off the bed and ran out of the room.

"I suppose you're not the only one who has magical kisses," Lee smirked at his wife.

Adelaine kissed her husband's scars and said. "I happen to think scars are quite sexy especially on you."

Lee leaned closer to his wife trapping her on the bed and replied. "Do you now, love."

"Of course," Adelaine said, unbuttoning the top button of his shirt.

Their son kicked briefly to ruin the moment. The couple chuckled and Lee kissed her stomach.

"I'm hungry!" Ariana whined.

Lee smirked. "I suppose that means I should start dinner." he said standing up and helping his wife up despite her protests.

The couple walked down the stairs to the kitchen and Lee started dinner while Adelaine played with their daughter. Adelaine winced slightly as she played with her daughter.

"What's wrong, mummy?" she asked.

"Your baby brother just kicked me very hard," she winced again.

"Did I do that when I was in your tummy?"

Adelaine smiled at her daughter and said. "You did but not as much as your baby brother."

Before Ariana could respond it was time for dinner. Adelaine waddled with her to the kitchen. They sat down and ate.

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