Untitled Part 41

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It was the next day, Adelaine was walking with Angelina. Other than Lee, she was taking their leaving quite hard understandable though since Fred is her long-term boyfriend.

"So, Lee proposed last night."

Angelina looked at her and asked. "He did?"

"Yes, he did. He was so nonchalant about it but he was quite tipsy."

"What did you tell him?"

"I was in shock but he fell asleep before I could respond."

Angelina nodded part of her was jealous. It was a few hours later when Lee ran up to her.

"Hey Lee," she grinned.

He grinned at her and said. "So, I proposed to you."

"Yes, but you were quite tipsy. So, I don't know if you were serious."

"You know what they say, tipsy sayings are sober thoughts."

Adelaine chuckled and said. "It's actually drunk sayings are sober thoughts but close enough."

"That's my sexy know-it-all of a girlfriend," He said, pulling her towards him.

She smacked his chest playfully.

It was a few days later, Adelanie walked into the dormitory to see Leslie crying. Although, Leslie was the more girly of the two of them she wasn't much of a crier, Adelaine was the more emotional and sensitive one.

"What's wrong?" Adelaine asked, sitting down on Leslie's bed.

"Tiffany and Joanna called me a mudblood slag for getting pregnant."

Adelaine's eyes flashed angrily nobody messes with her friends Umbridge learned that the hard hard way now Tiffany and Joanna were going to pay.

"Do you think I'm a slag?"

Adelaine shook her head and replied. "No you're not, as much as I don't like Lockhart. He gets points in my book for staying with you after you got pregnant. I know most guys would leave especially when he's famous and this was probably bad publicity."

Leslie nodded and said. "He's a good guy, isn't he?"

"Yes, but not as good as Lee," Adelaine sighed, lovingly.

Leslie had a playful smile on her face as she replied. "Are we actually going to argue who has the better boyfriend?"

Adelaine smirked and said. "There's no need to argue, we both know Lee is the better boyfriend."

"Whatever you say,"

The two girls just continued talking until they fell asleep dreaming of their respective boyfriends.

The next morning the two girls got up and got ready for the day. They made their way to the Great Hall. They were feet away from the Great Hall when Professor Sprout came up to them.

"Can I see you two in my office?"

"Um, sure professor," the two girls chorused.

Professor Sprout nodded and led them to her office. They wondered what was wrong. They noticed Umbridge was there. This can't be good.

"Is it true that you're pregnant Ms. Hopkins?" Professor Sprout asked.

Leslie looked over at Adelaine and answered. "Yes, I am but how did you know?"

"I didn't tell anyone not even Lee and you don't even know hard it is to keep it from him."

"That was our doing," Tiffany said, stepping out of the shadows with Joanna.

Prankster Lion, Bookworm BadgerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant