To the Chamber, and away we go

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It was a few days later Adelaine was waiting in Charms maybe she could get Lee to talk to her now. Alicia and Angelina walked in and sat in their normal spots. Lee walked in. She couldn't help but blush a little when he walked in. What's up with her? He's her best friend or at least was.

"Find a seat, Mr. Jordan. Might I suggest you're regular seat next to Miss Romero," Professor Flitwick shrugged.

Adelaine smiled briefly at the Professor as Lee reluctantly sat down next to her.

"Hey Lee," she greeted, happily.

He just glared at her and said. "Let's get this over with." he grumbled crossing his arms.

That caught her off guard he's never treated her like that.

"Fine if you're going to be that way," Adelaine grumbled.

The two friends continued interacting that way. It was kind of entertaining. Lee would grumble whenever Adelaine would say something to him and she would hit with her book when he didn't reply.


George who was the more sensitive and quiet twin felt like they should tell her so she wouldn't worry so much or maybe he can talk Lee into telling Adelaine how he feels about her. Despite what he thinks.

They were in the common room in the middle of May.

"Lee, I think you should tell Adelaine how you feel about her. I bet you being distant with her is hurting her."

The dreadlocked boy shook his head at his friend and replied stubbornly, "There's so many things at risk. I can't even imagine how much it would ruin our friendship if she doesn't reciprocate and I can't risk the rejection either. It was bad enough when I discovered Alicia was dating someone else and I don't want to feel that way again. Alicia was just a friend but Adelaine is my best friend I'll be double as heartbroken if she doesn't feel the same way."

George nodded at least he tried.

Cedric walked up to Lee a few days later in the corridor.

"Hey Cedric," Lee greeted, his best friend's/crush's honorary brother.

"Lee, is there a reason why you've been distant with Addie?"

He wasn't used to Cedric being this blunt.


Lee rubbed his neck nervously and said. "There's no reason."

Cedric just smirked at him and said. "Whatever you say." And walked away.


Adelaine was walking with Angie and Oliver by the lake later that month. It was a nice day. The sun was out.

"So, Adelaine. When are you going to realize you have feelings for Lee?" The brown haired boy smirked at the younger golden haired girl.

"I don't have feelings for Lee, what makes you say that?" Adelaine said defensively, but in vain trying to hide a blush.

She couldn't use the excuse that it was cold outside since it was quite warm outside at least for Scotland anyway.

"Then why are you blushing?" Angie asked her.


"And why does it bother you so much that he's been distant with you since Valentine's Day ever since he basically set us up on that date?"

"Shouldn't it he's my best mate who's always been quite affectionate with me. I miss having his arm around me, the smell of his cologne -" Adelaine trailed off digging herself deeper into a hole

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