Untitled Part 53

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It was the beginning of the summer now. Dora and Remus were coming over for dinner.

"Love, it's my turn to cook." Lee said.

"Alright, Lee."

He started cooking their dinner. There was a knock on the door. They answered their security questions and walked in.

"Lee is cooking?" Dora asked, surprised.

Adelaine smirked at her and said. "Don't be so surprised, he's actually a better cook then I am and both of us have cooks in the family. Although, I'm better at desserts."

"Thanks for the compliment, love," he said kissing his wife's cheek.

Adelaine grinned at him. They continued talking as they waited for dinner.

"Here's dinner, everyone," Lee said putting down the plates on the table.

"Thank you, my good little house-wizard." Adelaine smirked at her husband, playfully.

Lee smirked back at her and said. "Maybe, I can get some extra dessert after they leave. If you catch my drift."

Adelaine smacked him and said. "Not in front of our guests."

They started to eat and talked some more. Adelaine washed the dishes with Lee's hands glued to her hips as always.

The two couples separated in two rooms. So, Adelaine and Dora were in the living room and Remus and Lee were in the kitchen.

"You know I see a few similarities between you and Adelaine and Dora and me," Remus sighed.

"You really love Dora, don't you?"

Remus nodded and said. "I do, I already asked Ted for his blessing to marry her but can I have your blessing?" he felt quite awkward asking someone who seventeen years younger than him.

"I've never seen Dora happier, so I say yes."

Remus smiled.

"So, what were these similarities you noticed?"

"Well, Adelaine and I were both prefects but I was the prefect for Gryffindor and she was for Hufflepuff. We're both quiet bookworms who mostly ended up in detention because of our prankster best friends."

Lee chuckled and said. "Yeah, she did mostly receive detention because of Fred, George and me and our pranks but there were two times that I remember that she didn't."

"Yes, I caught you two snogging while she was supposed to be doing her perfect rounds in your fifth year."

Lee couldn't help but blush at the memory and said. "We were wondering why you acted that way."

Remus suddenly got nervous and changed the subject. "Adelaine also vaguely reminds of my first love. Though she ended up with one of my best friends but Quidditch players always seem to get the girls," he finished with a sigh.

"You know I thought the same thing when it came to Adelaine because she was quite besotted with our Quidditch captain but I got her in the end," he said leaning back in the kitchen chair suavely but immediately falling out.

"Some things never change, Lee," Adelaine grinned down at her husband.

Lee grinned up at her, dimples making an appearance. Adelaine couldn't say no to her husband's dimples so she helped him up.

Remus and Dora soon said goodbye.

Adelaine and Lee were in bed that night. Lee was busy kissing Adelaine's neck and giving her love bites.

"How many love bites are you going for this time, Lee," Adelaine smirked at her overly frisky husband.

He was just a bit tipsy. He didn't respond he just continued kissing her neck for the next ten minutes or so.

"Well, I'm tired," Lee said, pulling away from his wife's neck after giving her one last love bite.

"How many glamour charms am I going to have to cast on my neck when I go visit Leslie and my god-daughter in the morning?"

Lee didn't respond he just promptly fell asleep. Adelaine giggled, turned off their bedside light and fell asleep.

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