2005- Part 3

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WC: 1,149

It was a few days later and the family was having Lee's parents and grandparents over. The latter was a surprise because despite being married for almost nine years she still loathed Adelaine. Case and point why Ariana has never met her great grandparents.

"Mummy, why haven't I met great grandma and great grandpa," Ariana asked Adelaine.

She sighed and said. "Your great grandma has never liked me."

"Why not you're my mummy," Ariana said.

"I wish it was that simple, sweetie but it's not," Lee sighed, walking in the kitchen.

Ariana sighed. Adelaine turned around.

"Wide load, coming through," Lee teased his wife

Adelaine glared half-heartedly at her husband and said. "You're the reason I have this wide load."

"And it's the most adorable wide load I've ever seen," Lee smiled, resting his hand on her stomach.

"I suppose that means you're not sleeping on the couch tonight," was Adelaine's witty reply.

Before Lee could respond his parents walked in with his grandparents in tow.

"Gran!" Ariana yelled, jumping off her chair and running towards her gran.

"Hi sweetie," Rita greeted her granddaughter picking her up.

"So, this is our great granddaughter?" Nicholas asked looking at the little girl in his daughter's arms.

"I'm Ariana Charity," Ariana greeted smiling at her great grandfather.

Nicholas smiled and said. "So, I see she's Lee in miniature."

"Except she has Adelaine's beautiful eyes," Lee said, walking in and greeting his mum, dad and grandpa and grandma.

After the greetings Lee escorted his family to the living room.

"Would you give us a tour of your house?" Nicholas asked.

"Sure, grandpa," Lee smiled.

"Can I come too?" Ariana asked.

"Sure, sweetie," Lee said, picking her up.

He started to give his grandparents a tour.

"This is my room, play with with me," Ariana demanded to her great grandpa.

He smiled and said. "Sure, sweetie."

Ariana dragged Nicholas towards her toys. Nicholas was already wrapped around his great- granddaughter's little finger. They finished the tour and sat down on the couch. Soon, it was time for dinner.

"So, how far along are you?" Nicholas asked Adelaine.

"Almost five months," Adelaine smiled resting her hand on her stomach.

"Do we have another great granddaughter or a great grandson?" Nicholas asked.

"A great grandson," Lee said also resting his hand on his wife's stomach.

"What's his name?"

Adelaine grinned and said. "Cedric Nicholas."

"The name Cedric is so old, why not something more modern," Lee's grandma said, disapprovingly.

Adelaine glared at the older woman. You shouldn't mess with a pregnant lady.

"I don't get why you treat my mummy this way," Ariana said bluntly.

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