Untitled Part 25

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It was one day after a long Quidditch practice for Angelina.

"Ang?" Lee asked.

The girl turned to her housemate.

"I need your advice.," he said, bluntly.

Angelina was shocked and asked, "Shouldn't you be asking Fred or George, not that I'm not happy to help you though."

"More accurately, I need a girl's perspective on why Adelaine is being distant with me." Lee said, sitting down on the couch.

Angelina sighed and said, "Okay. What do you think could be the reason?"

"She's working hard on getting that internship and O..W.Ls" Lee listed.

He left out the most possible reason she is being distant with him.

Angelina nodded and said, "You know when I first started dating Fred, I would hear whispers about our relationship."

"What kind of whispers?" Lee asked.

"About how I should stick to my own kind and things like that." Angelina said, getting emotional which is unlike her.

Lee was shocked and he asked, "Did you ever tell Fred?"

"I didn't let them bother me, honestly. If I told Fred he probably would've hexed those people to oblivion." Angelina said.

Lee nodded and said, "If Adelaine's been hearing the same things, I know how sensitive she is but that's one of the many reasons I love her." He finished.

That's the first time he's admitted that he loves Adelaine. It felt good.

"Well, there lies your reason." Angelina said.

"Thanks for the advice, Ang."

She smiled and said, "Anytime, Lee."

It was a couple days later now, Lee ran over to Adelaine as she was walking out of the Muggle Studies O.W.L.

"Hey love."

Adelaine didn't even acknowledge her boyfriend of almost a year. He reached for her hand but she rebuffed him.

"Please talk to me, love." He practically begged, unintentionally giving her his best puppy dog eyes.

Adelaine gave in and said, "I'll meet you later and we can talk."


Adelaine walked away. At least Adelaine agreed to talk to him. It was now later that day, they were meeting by the lake.

"Hey Lainey." He greeted, he was hesitant to kiss her cheek.

She turned to him tears welling up in her eyes. He took her in his arms and much to his surprise she melted into his embrace.

"This isn't about O. or your internship, is it?" Lee asked.

Adelaine shook her head against her boyfriend's chest. A stray tear falling on his shirt.

Lee growled. So, it was her grandparents and possibly the whispers.

"You know my grandparents kept throwing out possible matches for me. Mainly very rich Purebloods. They even suggested much to my horror, Draco Malfoy."

"He's almost two bloody years younger than you, although age doesn't matter."

Adelaine nodded and said, "I finally blew up at them and told them I was bloody dating you and I'm quite happy about it."

"That's my girl."

"I promptly got scolded for swearing in front of my five and one year cousins, not that I regret it one bit though."

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