Begininng of Classes

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The next morning Adelaine got up, changed into her uniform and met up with Lee outside her common room. This had always been their routine ever since right after Christmas of their first year.

"How was the first night?" Lee asked as he slung his arm around her.


They walked to the Great Hall in a comfortable silence. Adelaine was naturally introverted and soft-spoken; she was outgoing around her friends but Lee knew that Adelaine would like nothing more than to curl up with a good book.

"Sit at the Gryffindor table, Oliver talked about you a lot," Lee smirked at her.

Adelaine blushed deeply. She'd been nursing a crush on Oliver since last term. There was something so attractive about his Scottish accent and brown eyes that it made her heart flutter uncontrollably.

She was so lost in her musings that she tripped over her own feet in the middle of the Great Hall. Typical; she being her usual clumsy self. What a good impression for the coming year! Not.

"That's my clumsy best friend." Lee smirked holding out his hand out for her to grab.

Instead of getting up she pulled him down next to her.

"Hey! No fair." Lee whined.

Adelaine smirked at him, got up and looked around to see if anyone had seen her clumsy moment, searching in particular for Oliver. She saw him about to sit at the Gryffindor table and made a beeline for it to sit down, completely forgetting about Lee.

"Hey! What about me?"

In response she threw a smirk over her shoulder at him as she sat down next to George.

"Morning." She chirped happily.

"Good morning." The twins chorused.

Adelaine turned to look into the chocolate brown eyes of the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, Oliver Wood.

"Hello, Adelaine."

She immediately got goosebumps; she loved the way her name sounded with his dreamy Scottish accent.

"How was your summer?" He asked.

Getting her Gryffindor-red blush under control she replied, "It was good, how was yours?"

"Good, what electives are you taking this year?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Care of Magical Creatures, Divination and Muggle Studies." She recited.

"You've always been good with animals but humans are another story." Lee smirked at her as he sat down on the other side of her.

Adelaine turned and smiled innocently at her best friend.

"Okay, I see how it is you rush over here to shamelessly flirt with with Oliver and completely forget about your best friend," Lee smiled at her.

Adelaine blushed, turned back to her conversation with Oliver and like usual she began to hang on every word.

After breakfast, it was time for Charms with the Ravenclaws. Adelaine separated from her friends.

"Adelaine?" Hermione's slightly bossy voice asked.

She turned to see Hermione and Neville walking towards her.

"Do you know where the Transfiguration classroom is?"

Adelaine nodded. "Yes, I do. I can show you exactly where it is."

"Thank you."

Adelaine started to lead the two first-years to the Transfiguration classroom and asked, "Neville, did you find your toad?"

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