Untitled Part 30

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About fifteen minutes later, Cedric came back into the compartment with a sobbing uncontrollably Adelaine.

"What happened?" Lee asked, rushing towards his girlfriend and their mutual friend.

Cedric shrugged and said. "I don't know she just started to sob as we were doing our rounds."

Lee knew Adelaine has only really completely broken down in front of him multiple times but for her to cry in front of Cedric must mean she's really sad or hurt. Lee led Adelaine over to the seat next to him and Cedric sat on the other side of her.

"What's wrong, Lainey?" Lee asked, stroking her brown hair gently trying to soothe his inconsolable girlfriend.

She sniffled and said. "It was my internship."

"What happened?"

Adelaine sniffled again and said. "I -I- I -was -sex-ually - harassed by one of the cameramen at the Prophet." She said as a new batch of tears started.

Lee tensed. Nobody takes advantage of his sweet Lainey. He looked over at Cedric and it looked like he was thinking the same thing.

"He started by asking me out every chance he got. I obviously turned him down. It escalated after you came to tell me about going to the Quidditch World Cup."

"I wondered why you allowed that kiss to get more passionate then it usually does in public."

Cedric cringed a bit again at the thought of his honorary sister kissing someone so passionately even it had been her boyfriend of just over a year. He's just being overprotective though.

"He then started to swat my bum every time I saw him. Then right before we found out about the attack at the Quidditch World Cup I told him I would hex him if he didn't stop bothering me but he knew I was underage. Then -h-e stroked- my ch -eek and kissed me."

Lee tightened his grip on his girlfriend and comforted her.

"I feel like it's my fault."

"Lainey, look at me it's not your fault. It's that bloody bastard's fault," Lee assured her, looking into her pained hazel eyes.

Adelaine continued to sob on her boyfriend's chest. Lee was better at comforting her but Cedric would awkwardly try to comfort her. He had never been good with emotions especially girls emotions.

"We'll get through this together, love," He assured her.

Adelaine looked up at him surprised and asked."You don't want to break up with me?"

"Of course not but if it makes you feel more comfortable we'll tone down the displays of affection until you're ready," Lee told her.

She nodded against his chest and said, "Okay, I'm just happy that you're not going to break up with me."

At the end of the conversation they had arrived at Hogsmeade. They shared a carriage to Hogwarts.

Adelaine waved goodbye to her boyfriend and their friends so she could sit at the Hufflepuff table.

After the sorting, it was time to eat. Cedric led the new Hufflepuffs to the common room.

Lee met Adelaine outside of her common room the next morning.

"Morning Lainey."

"Morning Lee."

They walked down to the Great Hall. Fred and George noticed they weren't being affectionate again.

Like every year, Gryffindor had Potions with the Slytherins first thing. Adelaine had Muggle Studies. Hogwarts was hosting the Triwizard Tournament this year.

Fred and George planned on trying to get entered using a potion since they weren't seventeen yet. Lee was helping them as well but they noticed that his heart wasn't in it for once.

"Everything okay, Lee?" George asked.

"Huh, what?" He asked, looking over at his ginger friends.

"Are you okay?" George repeated.

Lee nodded still distracted.

"We've noticed that you and Adelaine haven't been really affectionate lately especially when you two usually can't keep your hands off each other," George said.

"She's just been going through something and I'm being there for her," Lee said.

Fred scoffed and said without thinking. "Are you sure she's not bloody cheating on you or something."

"Adelaine would never fucking cheat on me, Fred!" Lee screamed at his blunt ginger friend.

"She's quite close with Diggory," Fred shrugged, nonchalantly.

Lee glared at Fred and said. "He's like a bloody brother to her, you're just saying that because you don't like him. I'm going to bed!"

"Good night!"

Lee stormed up to their dorm as George glared at his brother while Fred just shrugged.

The next morning, Lee woke up and got ready for the day.

"I'm sorry about how Fred acted last night," George apologized to their dreadlocked friend.

"Thanks for the apology but it needs to come from him."

George nodded and said, "So, what's really going on?"

"It's not really my place to tell you, George and I'm not sure if Adelaine will be ready to tell you," Lee sighed.

"There must be something really wrong with her, because you rarely keep secrets from us."

"I know."

He nodded. Lee finished getting ready and went to go meet up with Adelaine. He met up with her outside her common room.



"Cedric's thinking of entering the tournament as well," Adelaine said, randomly.

"He's always been like a brother to you hasn't he?"

Adelaine nodded and said."Yes, he has. Why do you ask?"

"Fred had the audacity to accuse you of cheating on me on with Cedric last night," Lee sighed.

"Why would he think I'm cheating on you?"

Lee answered. "They noticed that we haven't been affectionate since school started seeing as we usually can't keep our hands off each other."

Adelaine honestly craved and missed Lee's touch and kiss so much. She knew he wouldn't hurt her and he would be gentle with her.

"Are you ready to tell at least George about your predicament?"

Adelaine nodded.

"Okay, then love."

Prankster Lion, Bookworm BadgerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ