Chapter 21

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It was now a few days before Adelaine's birthday. Lee was over her house. The couple was snuggling on her bed. Adelaine's room was a medium sized room with one cherry red wall. She had multiple bookcases filled with books and displayed on them were a couple awards from muggle school. She wasn't exactly the most organized person in the world so her room was quite messy. She had a few posters of muggle bands on her wall.
There was a tap on the window. Adelaine looked up to see a Hogwart's owl. She opened the window and took the letter off the owl's leg. The owl flew away. Adelaine opened the letter not realizing that she had dropped something.
"It looks like you got prefect, love," Lee smiled, picking up the badge.
Adelaine turned to her boyfriend and asked, "I got prefect?"
"You sure did."
Adelaine smiled and said, "This is an honor, I didn't expect it."
"You deserve it." He said, hugging her in reassurance.
Adelaine melted into her boyfriend's embrace and said, "I'm curious who the male prefect is."
"Well, I can answer that." Cedric's voice said. When did he get here?
Adelaine turned to her housemate/ honorary brother and asked, "Who is the male prefect?"
"I am."
Adelaine reluctantly broke out of her boyfriend's arms and ran to congratulate her fellow perfect and honorary brother.
"When did you get here?" Adelaine asked.
"I flooed over a few minutes ago, but you didn't hear me. I now know why." he smirked at Lee.
Adelaine nodded.
It was now time for Adelaine's birthday. Adelaine's cousin chatted with George the whole party. They went shopping for their books a few days later. It was now time to board the train. Adelaine got settled in her compartment with Lee and the twins.
"It's time to go to the Prefects meeting, Adelaine," Cedric said.
Fred and George glanced at their friend and asked. "You got prefect?"
"Yes, I did."
Fred shook his head and teased. "We haven't been enough of a bad influence on you, right, Georgie?"
"I happen to think it's good that you got prefect," He shrugged and continued. "Though, I'm sure you won't like who is Head Boy."
"Who?" She asked hoping it's not who she thinks it is.
Adelaine groaned and said. "Don't blame me if I end up hexing him by the end of the year, then."
"I wholly support that." Fred laughed and George just nodded.
Lee gave Adelaine a brief kiss and she went to the prefect's meeting.
After the meeting they started to do their rounds. Everything looked fine. Adelaine and Cedric walked into the compartment that happened to belong to Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville and an unfamiliar disheveled man who was chatting with Harry.
"Hey kids." Adelaine teased.
There was an indignant huff from Ron.
"So, you got prefect, Adelaine?" Hermione asked.
Adelaine nodded and said, "I was shocked actually."
"I hope I get prefect in my fifth year." Hermione sighed hopefully.
Adelaine chuckled at her hopefulness and asked, "How was your summer?"
"Good, you can sit down if you want." Hermione offered.
Adelaine took the invitation and sat down.
"I suppose I'll see you later." Cedric said.
Adelaine glanced at her friend and said. "Yes, and tell Lee I'm with them. He'll probably be worried when I don't come back with you."
Cedric nodded and said. "Okay." And with that he left the compartment.
"Adelaine, this is Professor Lupin." Harry introduced the man to Adelaine .
She glanced over at the man and said, "The next Defense teacher, maybe someone who actually knows their stuff since the last two were idiots."
There was a slight indignant huff from Hermione. Adelaine had forgotten that she had a small crush on Lockhart. If Leslie had heard her call Lockhart an idiot she probably would've gotten smacked or worse hexed. She didn't want to be on the receiving end of one of her hexes.
"Yes, I am." Lupin said.
Adelaine nodded and continued talking to the professor. About fifteen minutes later, Lee rushed in.
"There you are, Lainey." He said in relief.
Adelaine huffed and said, "I'm fine, Lee. You don't have to worry."
"Besides, I thought Cedric told you I was in here talking with the new professor." She questioned.
Lee shook his head and said, "No, he never told me."
"I wonder what distracted him." Adelaine said thoughtfully, hoping nothing was wrong with him.
"Probably a girl," Hermione suggested offhandedly.
Adelaine chuckled at the younger girl's assumption and said, "You know what you're probably not too far off. Teenage boys seem to have only one thing on their mind."
"Hey, you're surrounded by teenage boys and you're dating one and I have more than one thing on my mind." Lee said faking annoyance.
Adelaine looked up innocently at her boyfriend and best friend.
Lee instantly softened and said, "I'll leave you to butter up the professor before class even starts."
Adelaine stuck her tongue out at Lee playfully as he kissed her forehead and left.
"Sorry about him, we went through a lot last term ever since he's been slightly more clingy," Adelaine told them.
Everyone nodded. They continued talking. As they were getting close to Hogwarts there was a sudden chill in the air that Adelaine didn't recognize. Suddenly, Harry fainted. The professor jumped into action. Adelaine wondered why there were Dementors at Hogwarts as she checked on the other compartments.
Once they reached the station Adelaine bid adieu to the group of third years and the professor and went to go find Cedric. She found him chatting with a beautiful Asian girl.
"Hey Ced," Adelaine greeted him.
He turned to her and said, "I forgot to tell Lee where you were, didn't I?"
"You sure did." Adelaine smirked at him.
He blushed sheepishly and said, "Sorry about that, I got distracted."
"And I see the source of the distraction right here." She chuckled, turning towards the Asian girl.
"This is Cho." He introduced her to Adelaine .
Adelaine smiled and said, "It's nice to meet you."
"You as well." She smiled politely.
Adelaine felt an arm wrap around her as she fell into step with Cedric and Cho. She turned to see her boyfriend grinning at her.
They walked to the carriages. Once at Hogwarts Adelaine kissed Lee's cheek and went to the Hufflepuff table. After the feast she had the task of leading the new Hufflepuffs to the common room.
The next morning Lee met Adelaine outside her common room like their routine had been for the last four years.
"Morning love." He said, kissing her cheek briefly.
She smiled and said, "Morning."
He took her hand and they walked towards the Great Hall. Adelaine opted to sit at the Gryffindor table today.
"Here are your timetables, Mr. Jordan, Misters Weasley and Ms. Romero." McGonagall said handing out the timetables she couldn't help but notice Adelaine and Lee holding hands.
She smiled.
"So, what's you're first lesson, love?"
"Muggle Studies with the Ravenclaws." Adelaine said glancing at the paper and then asking, "What about you?"
There was a collective groan from the two redheads and Lee.
"Let me suppose, Potions with the Slytherins."
"Yes, it always seems like we get Potions with the Slytherins on the first day back." Lee complained.
"I don't know why they always put the Gryffindors and Slytherins together anyway, they won't get along."
"Ain't that the truth." Adelaine said.
The two redheads glanced at their best friend's girlfriend and said, "Oh right, your parents were a Slytherin and a Gryffindor."
"Don't worry about it, I'm over it." Adelaine said waving her hand dismissively.
They finished eating. Lee kissed her briefly and they went their separate ways.
Other than Charms, this was Adelaine 's favorite subject. She reached the classroom.
"Hello Ms. Romero." The Professor greeted from her desk.
The professor was a thin blonde woman of average height. She had replaced the male teacher that they had the last two years.
Adelaine smiled and said. "Morning Professor."
"Please take a seat."
Adelaine sat down in the nearest desk. She always had to sit in the front because of her horrible eyesight not because she was a teacher's pet. Though Lee would tease her about it anyway. The rest of the class filed in.
"Hello everyone, I'm Professor Charity Burbage," She introduced herself, cheerily.
Adelaine liked her so far. She was quite cheerful and easygoing. The class continued. Lee met her outside kissing her cheek and taking her hand.
"So, do I even need to ask how Potions was?" Adelaine asked.
There was no response from her boyfriend and their friends. That spoke volumes.

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